
#李健[超话]#It's late in evening,
she's wondering what clothes to wear,
she's puts on her make up,
and brushes her long blonde hair.
yes,you look wonderful tonight."
We go to a party,
and every one turns to see,
this beautiful lady,
is walking around with me,
"yes,I feel wonderful tonight."
I feel wonderful
because I see the love light in your eyes.
then the wonder of it all
is that you just don't realize.
how much I love you.

It's time to go home now,
and I've got an aching head,
so I give her the car keys,
and she helps me to bed,
and then I tell her,
as I turn out the light,
oh,my darling you were wonderful tonight.

Li Jian sang "Wonderful Tonight" in the Wuhan concert, which was deeply touching and tearful.
I hope Jian can sing more.

Let’s continue our last trip to France!
On the first day we arrived in France, we were unhappy because of the hotel issue, but the journey had to continue.
We went to bed early. His father slept on the first floor, I slept on the second floor, and the child slept on the third floor. The child was very excited. we spent the night like this and had breakfast in the morning. French breakfast includes nothing but croissants, eggs, bean soup, and cheese. After having breakfast, we went out to work Two days , After work we went to a Chinese restaurant . After eating, we came out and drove back to the hotel. Within a few minutes, a car followed us. It flashed its sign and said they were a plainclothes police officer, and asked us to stop on a small roadside for inspection. Following the instructions, we stopped the car and opened the door. These two men were Eastern Europeans.They showed their id and said they were plainclothes policemen. They said that recently many cross-border foreigners were bringing drugs into France, so they were suspicious of foreigners. When the car was inspected, we showed them our ID and they asked general questions. Then they checked our car. Then they wanted to check my wallet and saw a lot of cash in it. They pretended to be important and their eyes lit up. , I felt something was wrong and I shouted, you are fake police. The child’s father reacted and said to take pictures. These two Eastern Europeans were afraid of attracting people on the road, so they quickly gave my wallet back and said not to shout. Be calm, they left in despair, alas, it frightened our family.
Later, I went back to the hotel . We couldn't calm down for a long time.
On the 5th day, I said let’s go to Disneyland, but he said we had no plans to go to Disneyland. We didn’t dare to go to the Eiffel Tower, so we went to Disneyland. The tickets were really expensive, He said that it was so expensive, so make plans to come back next time and stay there for 2 days in a hotel. Disneyland is so big It’s a waste of money,we can’t finish it in one day ,we don’t know when we will come next time, so we have to go to Disneyland. in the summer, there are so many people in Disneyland, and we have to queue for at least half an hour to play a Entertainment projects, we haven’t finished half of it, it was 7pm,we have to go .Alas, this is the happy time.This is my first experience traveling to France, and what happened in South France for the second and third time. I’ll share it next time

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