#印度delta变种# 一个自称以色列科学家的推特:
以色列:数月来首次出现病例小幅上升,可能是由于 B1.167 变种的一些局部爆发。


Eran Regal:
Israel: For the first time in months, there is a slight rise in cases likely due to a few localized outbreaks of the B1.167 variant

However, so far there are still practically no cases of severe illness (only 5 new critically ill in the past two weeks) and death (none last week)



it's cloudy but hot~

n i did a Q&A myself, i did write them down on paper, feeling kinda guided to do it, and those answers from my higher self, which means i m feeling better now~
more stable n determined~
also my faith becomes more grounded~

i m having a slightly headache also the kink in my neck by the right side seems to a little come back, it's bc of the headache? cuz both happen to my right side~

this could be very possibly affected by the energy downloading, for i did the writing, i m feeling calm n certain that that's truth, n this kinda hurt very much distract my ego in some sense, therefore when i journaled, i got less influences by my emotions which is actually quite a nice feeling~

just something to share, thought this is worth being left a record~

so how's your day so far?
everything fine?
remember to take care of yourself and also remember i love you all always~

Yesterday I knew what the real mountain climbing is. Wuzhishan was not fully developed.There is an artificial plank road for the first thousand meters.The back is all climbing up with strong roots,Because the road was slippery in the rain,There is a place where I accidentally slipped and fell to the roots of the buttocks and then climbed to the top of the mountain by this iron ladder.Because I didn't make a good strategy, I didn't wear hiking gloves and slippery shoes,For safety's sake, our life is important, so we stopped climbing so?Yesterday I knew what the real mountain climbing is. Wuzhishan was not fully developed.There is an artificial plank road for the first thousand meters.The back is all climbing up with strong roots,Because the road was slippery in the rain,There is a place where I accidentally slipped and fell to the roots of the buttocks and then climbed to the top of the mountain by this iron ladder.Because I didn't make a good strategy, I didn't wear hiking gloves and slippery shoes,It's a pity that we didn't climb to the top of the mountain after four hours of hard climbing.Looking forward to the next time I'm fully equipped, my legs are useless.

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