Come sempre,è inutile dire ai miei genitori di non fare una cosa,non so se è per dispetto o per il totale rifiuto dell'espressione "non farlo", fatto sta che mia madre ora sta con un bel braccio nero,gonfio e dolorante.Spero sia solo una botta e niente di rotto,ma porca la miseria,le avevo detto di aspettare,che mi sarei occupata della faccenda finita la doccia.Le ho detto di non fare niente,di non toccare niente,di stare ferma, ma è come parlare ad un muro.E ora tutta la famiglia m'incolpa pure ,se non mi fossi fatta la doccia,mia madre non si sarebbe fatta male.E che faccio?Da domani mi compro un guinzaglio e li tengo legati quando non ce li ho sotto gli occhi?Davvero non so cosa pretendono tutti da me.Sclero finito.Almeno su internet 10 minuti di isterismi me li permetto.Chiusa parentesi,vediamo se oltre al cardiologo devo prenotare per una radiografia.

前几周在中国的日子过得很窝心!献给到场的你们:我爱你们,谢谢❤️ 牛逼666:)

也非常感谢棒棒的Liang Lawrence加入我们的演出!

The last couple of weeks in China have been so heart warming! To everybody who came to a show - wo ai ni men and xie xie ❤️ 牛逼 666 :)

Also big thank you to the amazing Liang Lawrence for joining us on this run!





















"The Latest Views from Warren Buffett.

First, a look ahead to the 2024 Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting.

The Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders' meeting, which is highly anticipated by investors around the world, is about to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, the hometown of Warren Buffett, from 3 May to 5 May, local time in the United States. Warren Buffett will randomly select shareholders to ask and answer their questions. Between 40 and 60 questions are expected to be answered by Warren Buffett himself.

This year's AGM is particularly special because Berkshire Hathaway's long-time partner and the company's vice-chairman, Charlie Munger, passed away last year. So, at this year's AGM, it will be just Warren Buffett, Greg Abel, and Ajit Jain on stage.

Second, the main points of view analysis.

1. Interpretation of the current stage of the U.S. economy.
How does Buffett interpret the state of the US economy at this stage in the face of lower-than-market-expected GDP growth in the first quarter of 2024? At the same time, the Federal Reserve rate cut is expected to waver, Buffett and how will see the impact of this policy change on the economy and investment?

2. The strategic adjustment behind the Apple reduction and energy stock increase.

What is the investment strategy adjustment behind Berkshire's reduction of about 10 million shares of Apple stock in the fourth quarter of 2023? Meanwhile, what deeper considerations are revealed by the decision to increase holdings in Chevron and Occidental Petroleum?

3. Investment layout and future plans for the Japanese stock market.

What is the logic behind Buffett's increased and bullish holdings in Japanese stocks? What are the important elements included in his future investment plan?

4. Views on the future of AI.

Against the backdrop of technology stocks, especially NVIDIA, making a splash on the AI track, how does Buffett see the future development of AI and its potential impact on the investment market?

5. Plans for the use of the huge cash reserves.
Berkshire Hathaway has a record $167.6 billion in cash reserves, how will these funds be used? Will it continue to be used for stock buybacks or will he look for new investment opportunities?

6. Assessment of investment opportunities in China.
Will Buffett continue to invest in the Chinese market in the future, despite the market concerns raised by his recent reduction in his holdings in BYD? How will his views and plans for investment opportunities in China unfold?

This year's Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting will feature in-depth discussions around these watchwords. Investors will have the opportunity to listen to Buffett's voice of wisdom and gain insight into the future trends of the investment market.

(Tang Jiawen)

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