Oppaaaaaa,My handsome husband,My sunshine, My everything, My whole life,My day and night, My forever love, My happy place,My bright blue sky,My first love, My endless love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Im so sorry Oppa, i just come now
Though it's late.. good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night my Oppa,❤
Oppa, how was your day so far?
I hope uri Oppa have a beautiful morning, day and night ❤️❤️❤️
Have a happy and delightful day, my love❤️❤️❤️
What's my hubby doing?❤❤️
Aahhhh Oppa is on the plane now hihi
Have a safe flight, baby ❤️❤️❤️
Have a comfort and relaxing time on the plane, oppa❤❤❤
Enjoy your flight, my love❤❤
Have a safe flight, uri Oppa❤️❤️❤️
Oppa, i love you so much ❤❤❤
I don't know things to say other than i love you, cuz only these words that i feel for Oppa ❤❤❤
Oppa, stay healthy ❤❤
Take care always, my love ❤❤❤❤
Eat well, my husband ❤
Stay warm, Oppa ❤❤
Have a lot delicicious food and warm drinks, baby ❤
Because today is special day, how about a date after a hectic day, Oppa? ❤❤❤❤❤
Let's camping together and see the stars together, oppa❤
Aaah ahh my dream, Oppa, this morning i woke up with blissful feeling, i'm so happy because oppa came to my dream ❤❤❤
I feel recharged ❤❤❤❤
Oppa, my handsome husband ❤❤
Oppa who is so manly, cool, cute, sweet and extremely handsome ❤❤❤
Aja aja hwaiting ❤❤❤❤
I love you so much, Oppa❤❤
I love you forever, my love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Long sweet Kiss for my Oppa mmmmuuuaahhh ❤️❤️❤️
오빠, 너무 너무 너무 너무 사랑해 ❤❤❤❤❤

KPM新品预告-1/72 Aero L-29海豚 #模型网新品预告#
Box art & schemes
- ref. KPM0458 - Aero L-29 Delfín - Czecho/Slovak AF
- ref. KPM0459 - Aero L-29 Dolphin - Warsaw Pact
First traditional for you in close cooperation with AMK and MN modeler prepared for the end of April a kit of this beautiful machine in 1/72 scale. For KP the Delfín is an icon , the company’s first kit and the beginning of a whole pleiad of beautiful models continuing to this day. Originally we had in 3D CAD-CAM preparation our brand new model , but thanks to the offer of the above mentioned companies we finally agreed to buy nice mouldings from AMK company for which we are very grateful. Nevertheless, we used part of our 3D designs to produce new frames for the L-29R, L-29RS and single-seat aerobatic L-29A versions, which will suitably extend the original kit with other versions of the Delfín that are currently missing on the market. As always, there will be several covers and decal versions , so everyone interested in this kit can choose. We present you the first pictures from our „court“ painters Jaroslav Velc (the picture was originally created for our 1/32 model, which was resold to the cooperating company FLY together with Arad 96/Avia C-2) and Carlos Alonso from Spain.

The models will be available at the beginning of May at all good retailers and E-shops for around 14.20,- Euro. We believe that this info will please those interested in Czechoslovak aviation and I can promise that this is not the last „piece“ of cooperation of the above mentioned companies.

Important notice!!! Now in May we will release only the basic model of L-29 – AMK mouldings. L-29R, L-29RS and the single-seat aerobatic L-29A will be released during this year’s holidays!!!

RADICAL OPTIMISM 大家都听了嘛!感谢创作期间这张专辑带给我的一切,开心/释然/紧张/哭泣/兴奋得不行,终于让大家听到了。我爱大家,感谢你们一路走来给我的支持 ❤️(放大看最后一张,是我给所有人的感谢 )

RADICAL OPTIMISM IS YOURS!!! grateful beyond belief for what this album has gifted me during the time of writing and i'm so happy/relieved/excited/nervous/crying/fizzing it's finally yours. I love you and thank you for all the support every step of the way ❤️ (zoom into last slide for my whole thank you note )

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