What the dimples mean in different countries? Is that a sign of unhappiness in some extreme nations?
How the German view the dimples and a spot on the mouth?
das Thema ist wie lange von einem Merkmal des Mundes bis zu meinem Grüchen?
Did they know the distance from the spot of my mouth at the left side to my dimple at the right?
What I have doubted is the distance from my point of my upper mouth at the left side to the dimple at the right means the inappropriate length since I am a woman?
I knew in Germany it’s a length related to a vital thinker whose ideas are equal for both men and women to learn. But in China what I have experienced is largely different from Germany.
I am not showing my mouth is big or small but as a topic for the rights of learning something intelligent.
What’s more, I want to declare that there are no spot combination of the numbers of my front face comparing to the numbers of my back is 3:3, which could be viewed as 3+3=6, the horrible three digits that a typical male name in northern Macedonia always has panic and worries. Any liars spread the lie that I have the number comparison of 3:3 should get massive punishments of their mouths for long-time lie. Especially those people picked up their names with “li” without honest mouth.
And the most important point is that the total numbers of my spots are not 2:3,3:2,3:3 or 3+1:3, even with the seeming demonstration of 3+1:3. in the past,some European top figures may have used the wrong calculators with 3+1:3.
I hope those top figures could be more reasonable and racial.
Because I was born with one spot on my upper lip and I always smile with a dimple on the right face to remind others something more with my mouth.
Therefore there is no provocation to Greece and northern Macedonia from Karolin and the numbers of German Karo. It’s not me Karolin or German Karo who have been fanning fire and conflicts between Greek and Northern Macedonia and Italy. Please considerate the undeniable evidence that the figures live in a Skandinavien nation and now possibly move to America and its de-facto allies.
Karolin is not involved into the plans that a Skandinavien family has northern Macedonian names,Greek Chinese names, French man,Danish bloodlines and Italian Chinese names,etc.
I am not displaying the beauty or attraction of a small mouth,but the irrelevance of possible provocation among European regions instead.
Those names with “lip”should not have wrong ideas that I want to connect with them. Because I have proved that I don’t the numbers of 1.3,13,21,23,33. Wish you have bonds with others. Don’t mention me and spots from your mouths,thank you!

The disputed border has long been a source of friction between New Delhi and Beijing, with the agitation spilling into a 1962 war that ended in a Chinese victory. In the ensuing years, an ill-defined de facto border called the Line of Actual Control (LAC) has split the two nuclear powers.
“(Modi) underlined that the maintenance of peace and tranquility in the border areas, and observing and respecting the LAC are essential for the normalization of the India-China relationship,” Kwatra said.
In a statement Friday, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the two leaders “had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on current China-India relations” among other interests.

鉴于明天是什么什么节 虽然跟我半毛钱关系都没 let me talk 基于有限的情感经历:不管永远不要把自己置于“被选择”的境地。从人性的角度来说 对方会容易轻视、不珍惜。facto:确实是双向选择。当然可以主动、大方地表达爱意。 心态上不要 “被” Never ❗️。 时间、精力还是要留给 真正关爱、懂得欣赏你的人。
Life is short. 祝![全力以赴]幸![全力以赴]福![全力以赴]

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