I am so honoured to attend the one week placement at the United Nations Office at Vienna. I’ve learnt a lot from those professional interpreters of all languages in the booths. Thank Uni of Bath for providing me the opportunity and thank my Group-2 mates, Miguel, Mr. Ding and delegates from all of the world for making this week memorable and this experience forever etched in my mind.

Like what the Chair said and I quote “I would like to thank all the interpreters who helped us to understand each other. I wonder how they interpret such difficult terms like ‘easy-wins’. Without you, this conference would never have been possible.”

And it’s a photo dump and a not that well written but also a delayed summary of my placement. Anyway, it’s such a pleasure to work with all my friends and professional interpreters. https://t.cn/z8YFEjb

现在在等车呢 在去往我妈那里的途中、、hello my beautiful incredible amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful incredible amazing people on this ,,, so we are waiting for the bus to go to my mom’s right now ,,, too bad I caught a cold today but I’ll try my best to repost party with y’all once we are over ,,, love and miss everyone very much ,,, updating at the bus station,,, love love love my incredible amazing boss / bosses and love everyone


1) 大多数人most people→ the majority of the population
2) 经常often→frequently
3) 我相信I believe→ from my standpoint, from my perspective
4) 必须must→ it is a must for us to…
5) 知道know→ be aware of

6) 因为because→in that

7) 最后at last→eventually

8) 然而but→however

9) 如果if→provided that

10) 各行各业的人all kinds of people→people from all walks of life

11) 引起,导致lead to→contribute to

12) 人people→individuals

13) 好的good→desirable, beneficial

14) 坏的bad→undesirable

15) 很多many→ numerous

16) 越来越more and more→ an increasing number of / a mounting number of

17) 很very→extremely

18) 方面side→aspects

19) 表明show→demonstrate, indicate

20) 利用use→utilize

21) 因此/结果so→therefore

22) 部分part→proportion

23) 提高improve→enhance

24) 改变change→transform

25) 强调/重视emphasize→ attach great importance to

26) 培养develop→cultivate

27) 破坏destroy→undermine

28) 解决deal with →tackle /figure out

29) 普遍的everywhere→universal

30) 明显的obvious→apparent

31) 在当今社会in the modern society→in the current society

32) 使make→enable

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