1740. tongue-in-cheek adj. / tongue in cheek adv.

in a ironic or insincere way
He was talking with his tongue in his cheek.

PIC: sendoff n. 送别;送行



1. illustrate=show=be a sign=demonstrate=mean=make clear=reflect=tell=be evidence=reveal 表明,显示 v.

2. cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石 n.

3. stability=the condition of being steady and not changing 稳定 n.

4. bring=confer=award=present=grant=confer=allocate=offer 带来 v.

5. time limit=deadline 时间限制,期限 n.

6. increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pick up=widen=intensify=build up 增加

7. assistant=helper=coach 助手 n.

8. immense=big=major=considerable=great=huge/enormous=tremendous=large scale/large-scale 巨大的 adj.

9. produce=develop=manufacture 生产 v.

10. quotation=a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 引用语 n.

11. predecessor=someone who had your job before you started doing it 前辈,前任 n.

12. rival=a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc=competitor 对手,竞争者 n.

13. distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing 分心 的事物 n.

14. fault=defect=problem=trouble=flaw=weakness =bug=virus=be something wrong with 错误,缺点

15. central=middle 中心的 adj.

16. confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予 v.

17. did not have=without 没有 v.

18. prevail=win=come out on top=prevail=carry the day 流行,获胜 v.

19. contract=agreement=understanding=compromise 合约 n.

20. grant=award=present=confer=allocate 给予 v.

21. fascinate=if someone or something fascinates you, you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting 吸引,使着迷 v.

22. disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰 v.

23. expect=think=anticipate 预期,期待 v.

24. psychology=the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior 心理学 n. 25. obey=comply with=abide by=keep to=stick to the rules=conform to=observe=respect=toe the line=go by the book/do something by the book 服从,顺从 v.

26. identity=someone's identity is their name or who they are 身份 n.

27. severity=used of the degree of something undesirable 严重性 n.

28. unfold=open=happen=develop=expand 展开,发生 v.

29. deliberately=intentionally=on purpose=purposely 故意地 adv.

30. moral=relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil 道德上的,与道德有关的 adj.

31. prior to=before=previous 在…前面

32. repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times 重复 n.

33. genetic=relating to genes or genetics 基因的,遗传学的 adj.

34. sacrifice=when you decide not to have something valuable, in order to get something that is more important 牺牲 v.

35. victim=someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered 受害者 n.

36. forge=form=counterfeit 形成;伪造 v.

37. persuade=convince=win over=talk around 说服 v.

38. surrender=give in 投降,放弃 v.

39. extinct=an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore=disappear=vanish 灭绝的,绝种的 adj.

40. abundant=plenty=ample 充裕的,丰富的 adj.

41. exaggerate=overstate 夸张,夸大 v.

42. phenomenon=something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand 现象 n.

43. perception=idea=notion=view=belief=insight 认识,观念,看法 n.

44. impression=infection=effect=influence=affection 印象,感想 n.

45. entitle=to give someone the official right to do or have something 使某人有权利/ 资格 v.

46. distortion=a change for the worse=deformation 扭曲,曲解 v.

47. dispose=to arrange things or put them in their places=arrange=settle=manage=cope with=deal with 安排,处理 v.

48. intuition=the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts=instinct 直觉 n.

49. emission=a gas or other substance that is sent into the air 排放物,散发物 n.

50. diminish=reduce=decrease=fall=lessen=cut 减少,减小 v.

51. postpone=put back=delay=adjourn 延期,推迟 v.

52. crucial=important=critical=vital=necessary=essential 至关重要的 adj.

53. pessimistic=expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result=getting worse 悲观的 adj.

54. attempt=purpose=order=effort 尝试,努力

#每日德语短语# von Gewinnsucht besessen sein


die Gewinnsucht 利欲,贪欲

besessen adj. 着迷的,疯狂的,着了魔的


Er war von Gewinnsucht besessen, deshalb hat er 5 Millionen Euro unterschlagen.



von Habsucht durchdrungen/ verblendet sein


Man soll nicht von Habsucht durchdrungen/ verblendet sein.




von einer Idee besessen sein 被想法所困扰

von einer Leidenschaft besessen sein 被激情所消耗

von einem Wunsch besessen sein 被欲望所占有

wie besessen 像一个疯子

wie vom Teufel besessen 像被魔鬼附身一样

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