Thanks Milan I played in a shirt I made that afternoon. It still smelled like spray paint when I was playing. Also, thank you to the fan (Giuseppe) who PROMISED me he knew how to play Matt’s part on Roads Untraveled...and actually got up in front of all those people and pulled it off.
感谢米兰我那天穿了一件那天下午做的衬衫,我演出的时候仍然闻得到喷漆的味道。 另外,非常感谢粉丝(Giuseppe),他告诉我他知道怎么完成Roads Untraveled中Matt的部分......而且他确实在大家面前完成得很好!
#MikeShinoda# #PostTraumatic# #PostTraumatic创伤之后巡演#

Not every encounter there are ending but in every encounter a meaningful some people are only suitable for let you grow some of the stories is only suitable for collection
One day you will find that you have to suffer these grievances and not tell your stories to others few people can really understand you most people stand in their own position laughing at you just like listening to othor’s stories one day the pain,Unfa irness responsibi lity you have taken from your life mill be the light in the and lighting up your way

【被隔离的阿联酋航空EK203乘客 19位高度疑似感冒 其中10位已送医】当地时间5日上午,降落纽约的阿联酋航空EK203因乘客出现发烧咳嗽症状被隔离后,至17时,所有乘客在检查身体后离开飞机。目前,19位乘客症状高度疑似感冒,其中10位已送往医院。当地疾控中心怀疑事件起因为感冒突发。At least 19 people have been confirmed sick and ten of them (three passengers and seven crew members) hospitalized after a plane landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport Wednesday morning with passengers on board reporting feeling sick. Emirates flight 203, a double-deck Airbus A388 carrying about 500 passengers, arrived at JFK from Dubai at around 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT). It was quarantined on the runway shortly after approximately 100 passengers reported feeling ill. The type of illness has not yet been confirmed. But multiple passengers and crew treated were experiencing headache, sore throat, coughs and fever, NBC New York reported, citing a Jamaica Hospital spokesperson. #阿联酋航空100名乘客感觉不适#

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