
B: Sure! You just basically gotta let the caller know who they called, and ask them for their contact information so you can call them back.
B.当然可以!基本上你需要让别人知道来电者你是谁,让他们留下联系方式,这样的话你能给他们打回去。 https://t.cn/RwMtRb4

#青年美医进阶计划##微博健康公开课# 2022年2月16日,发表在《Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences》上的一项题为“More than just a pretty face? The relationship between immune function and perceived facial attractiveness”的研究发现,脸蛋儿长的越有吸引力的人,免疫功能越强健,特别是在细菌免疫方面。





(此信息源自中国生物技术网,作者生物技术君) https://t.cn/RVJk9aF

The current ratio and quick ratio of T Zhou’s business were 2:1 and 1.33:1 respectively.Both ratio indicated the liquidity of T Zhou’s business was good and healthy.It can be seen that even if the inventory cannot be liquidate, it will not affect the company's short-term repayment ability.
The gross profit ratio and net profit ratio of T Zhou’s business were 33.33% and 27.99% respectively.

The current ratio of K Kung‘s business and B Kau’s business were 2:1 and 1:1 respectively. The acid test ratio of K Kung‘s business and B Kau’s business were 1:1 and 0.5:1 respectively. K Kung‘s business was more liquid, as reflected by its higher current ratio and acid test ratio. This indicated that K Kung‘s business does not have short term debt-paying problem.

The gross profit ratio, net profit ratio and return on capital employed of K Kung’s business were 25% , 20% and 27.12% respectively. The gross profit ratio, net profit ratio and return on capital employed of B Kau’s business were 25% , 10% and 12.5% respectively. Despite the gross profit ratio of two business are same, K Kung’s business was more profitable, as reflected by its net profit ratio and higher return on capital employed .it’s higher mark-up(I.e. higher gross profit ratio)and lower expenses-to-sales ratio(i.e. higher net profit ratio)made it more profitable. This indicated that the company was more efficient in minimizing its operating expenses and for every $100 of long-term capital investment made in the business, more operating profit.

The current ratio and quick ratio of Keith’s firm were 4:1 and 2:1 respectively. The current ratio and quick ratio of Nelson’s firm were 2:1 and 1.02:1 respectively.
Keith’s firm was more liquid, as reflected by its higher current ratio and quick ratio.
Nelson’s firm was less liquid than Keith’s firm. Its current ratio and quick ratio were lower than Keith’s firm. Keith’s firm might have difficulty meeting its short-term financial obligations if these ratios keep falling.

The gross profit ratio and net profit ratio of Keith’s firm were 20% and 12% respectively. The gross profit ratio and net profit ratio of Nelson’s firm were 25% and 14% respectively. Nelson’s firm was more profitable, as reflected by its higher gross profit ratio and net profit ratio.it’s higher mark-up(I.e. higher gross profit ratio)and lower expenses-to-sales ratio(i.e. higher net profit ratio)made it more profitable.

8.20 c
The current ratio and quick ratio of the business were 3.26:1 and 1.94:1 respectively.Both ratio indicated the liquidity of the business was good and healthy, because they higher than the usual norm of the current ratio and and quick ratio were 2:1 and 1:1 respectively. It can be seen that even if the inventory cannot be liquidate, it will not affect the company's short-term repayment ability.

我完全在亂做 天呀

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