
➣ 虽是皇商,一应经纪世事全然不知,不过赖祖父旧日的情分,户部挂虚名支领钱粮,其馀事体,自有旧伙计,老家人等措办。(第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案)

➣ Though an Imperial Purveyor, he was wholly innocent of business skill and savior-faire; and though, for his father’s and grandfather’s sake, he was allowed to register at the Ministry and receive regular payments of grain and money, everything else was looked after for him by the clerks and factors of the family business.(霍克斯译本)

➣ Although a Court Purveyor, he knew nothing of business or worldly affairs but prevailed on his grandfather’s old connections to find him a well-paid sinecure in the Board of Revenue and left all business to his agents and old family servants.(杨宪益译本)

I had a long and long dream last night. I remember asking lmy before going to bed yesterday if I am going to finish it. The answer is yes. When I woke up, I sent lmy WeChat and lmy sent me this picture. Night dreamBy the time we went back to the very beginning, we had a math class together. From the first time I saw you, I didn't know you. I just felt familiar. It was like the other one in the parallel world. The night you came. Actually, that seat is already occupied?I had a long and long dream last night. I remember asking lmy before going to bed yesterday if I am going to finish it. The answer is yes. When I woke up, I sent lmy WeChat and lmy sent me this picture. Night dreamBy the time we went back to the beginning, we had a math class together. Since the first time I saw you, I didn't know you. I just felt familiar. It was like another me in a parallel world. The night you came was actually that seat was already occupied and then IThere was an empty seat in front of me, so I asked you to come. When you turned around, I suddenly realized that it was not you. 后来, the second sister asked me to go to the stadium to watch the football. When I went in, you happened to be so handsome with that guy. I remembered that you said to go.I want to play ball to lose weight, but I don't like basketball. Apart from playing basketball, everything else is ideal. I don't want you to be degraded and ask how you are. It's much better. It's as if we are very strange and good friends will always be on your whitelist.The blacklisted player is seventeen years old. It's so good. I have all the memories you gave me. Sentimentality is the happiest period in my high school. I suddenly realized that it's not you that tormented me, not that memory but myself. You must be well.Come on, don't fall, if you can meet in a university in the future, you are willing to chase your brother Jujo!!

#法律与秩序:特殊受害者# #SVU# 第23季 第6集「第五百集 The Five Hundredth Episode」

Amaro and Olivia's ex-boyfriend Burton Lowe ask SVU for help with overturning a wrongful conviction in one of Cragen's old cases.

导演:Martha Mitchell
编剧:Brianna Yellen & Julie Martin & Warren Leight


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  • 奶奶,你一直住在我的心里,愿你在另一个世界安好!还有爸爸,我跟你都不能跟同一个人说节日快乐了,但是我们都想念着她!
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  • “我的内心深处不太能接受这种一成不变的人生,想要有一点点的改变,努力去创造生活的可能性”[太开心]烦恼有时候就是在这么一笋尖全部散失 特别实在的塔罗老师,分
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  • ① 给你便宜你都觉得我赚你钱,别因为钱影响感情,不值得,相信我再来;② 上来就问,要这要那,给你说的挺详细,到最后你什么都要不了,请珍惜别人的劳动成果,改善前请
  • 尽管他的公式提出了使原子弹成为可能的物理学原理,但在政治上他把这描述为一生中的“重大错误”。 但在去世前,卡拉什尼科夫给他所信奉的俄罗斯东正教的大牧首写了
  • 而且,我們的市場大來賓是曾經在法國居遊9個月的知名媒體人「妮可魯」她除了在空中要帶我們到法國的「普羅旺斯」好好遊玩一番,也讓大家把旅遊法國的功課提前做好。那我们
  • #跑步##暴汗##健康打卡# 当然要拍照记录一下啊,我又不是每天都这么勤奋六点起来跑步运动计划:早早就说要早起跑步、健康运动了,由于太懒拖到现在。真佩服那些这么
  • #阳光信用[超话]#所有随风而逝的都属于昨天的,所有历经风雨留下来的才是面向未来的 ——《飘》 玛格丽特·米切尔有时候,最美妙的灯盏,并不是为了看清光明,而是为
  • 市场把主要的资金都集中在了抗通胀、高端制造业两大主题也不无道理,但是,为什么大多数股票的表现都不尽如人意呢?打消了经济复苏政策收缩的压力后,市场的风险偏好被彻底
  • 当然,28岁的经历,让我多了一份成熟,让我明白了珍惜的重要。但俩人儿都已经过了为了回应质疑去证明自己的时候了。
  • 因为一切事物,时间也好,空间也好,在时空中一切有为有作的万法,没有一件事是恒常不变的,所谓“瞬息万变”。就在不可得的这个地方来安身立命,这就是生命的解脱之道。
  • 幸运的是我有个很幸福的家,父母性格会好很多,和女主一样有很爱自己的妈妈。时间 见证了我们在我的青春里,我很庆幸没有错过你。
  • 【早间合集】不想爬楼的小姐妹,直接看看啊菌整理的哇~如果有着急需要的,也可以在这自助搜券哦【25.9】米蓓尔蓝绷带面膜 去黄提亮、修复维稳一绝!买给自己或者家里