Syndactyly is a condition wherein two or more digits are fused together. It is a failure of differentiation in which the fingers fail to separate into individual appendages. This separation usually occurs during the sixth and eighth weeks of embryologic development.

Syndactyly can be an isolated finding, or it can be found in association with other abnormalities (eg, polydactyly, cleft hands, ring constrictions, and craniofacial syndromes).

While any two or more fingers can be joined, syndactyly most often occurs between the middle and ring fingers. The fingers may be connected by a flap of skin that looks like webbing. In other cases, the fused digits may look almost like a single finger. Syndactyly is treated with surgery to separate the joined fingers.

Heart + Lung dissection. Here you can see how closely the two organs are related. The blood from the heart gets pumped into the lungs, loaded with oxygen and then comes back in order to be pumped into the whole body.

Also the heart has been opened in order to give view on the heart valves. Which valve is seen here?


CIRCULAR CORDON Circular cord is when the umbilical cord is wrapped around some part of the fetus' body. remembering that the cord is approximately 50 cm long. In general, babies tend to move around a lot in the womb, so they can make and break circulars at all times. The cord neck (around the neck) occurs in 25 to 30% of fetuses at birth and usually does not cause any harm, even during normal delivery. Most studies indicate that the presence of cord circular is not related to worsening fetal prognosis, with no need to change the obstetric approach.

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