Success is not free, it costs a lot, not just time and experience, but lots of other things, and so on. Some people think I are lucky enough to be envied. No one knows the bitterness and bitterness of success. But it still needs to work on its own future. Failure is not a terrible thing, the terrible thing is to fall and never get up again! Giving is not always rewarding, but there is no reward for not giving! Work hard, and leave the rest to the gods. I used to be crazy. I was always emotional and naive. I will always grow up, but the lost will never return, if give me a chance, I must cherish. So seize the present, cherish what you have, and strive to create a day for yourself.


For the ones who asked me why I do left hand drawings: My back/right arm/right hand is INJURIED. I already posted here and in stories. but I will say it again if it’s necessary.

I could just say oh, I need to stop drawing for X weeks/months and not publish anything, but I choose to keep creating. For me, and for you. I hope you will understand how frustrating is, and why I ended crying lots of days for the pain. Now it’s getting better after some rest and treatment, but it’s slow, and painful.

This drawing is from some days ago, improving lines and precision, but still a long journey. If before drawing hands was difficult, imagine now. LOL

Have a good day. Hoping to post tomorrow my new fanfiction! Stay tuned!!

The famous Shakespeare and company bookstore in Paris. Didn't go to the one in NYC. Was trying to locate my memory of the scene where Jesse and Céline met each other again in 9 years. Pic#8# is the famous cat living in the bookstore called Aggie whom has its privilege sitting on the desk in front of the window enjoying the view from the Seine and Notre Dame across the bridge, and listening to the bell ringing everyday. What a life! If someone wants to be a cat, try to be Aggie, a loner but got lots of visitors from all over the world, and surrounded by great works from all the writers. #shakespeare and company##paris##Notre Dame#

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