《论 和弟弟一起拍杂志的感受》

@tianatolstoi: Laughing when people ask if we’re close.. We’re the same person broke in two.. Love you more than I love anything or anyone. My half @nikitatolstoi and I for @cosmopolitankorea
Thank you so much @raymondchae
Shot by @studiojieun_
Make up by @hongmakeupplay
Hair by @iljung_lee

#不要浪费图书卡#(554)-《Where the crawdads sing》It’s a beautiful romantic story although you could find little bored at first half but great job at nature writing. If you read it from mystery aspect, I don’t think it reached my expectation. There are few scenes outstanding but there are also elements which doesn’t seem to be necessary there. it was being adapted to a movie, not sure if I’m looking forward to it.

Those who kill, those who jump, those who act on impulse, are not on their guard
The voice in his head, do not observe the moment, according to its words to do, after the hair

Now, what happened to me just now? How could I do such a thing? Not only that, in my head
More happiness.

The voice is constantly comparing you to others, telling you how bad you are, others
How good, no one looks up to you, no one really appreciate you, let your mood down
To the bottom.

These sounds are unconsciously made by our parents and the surrounding ring when we are young
Environments are programmed into our brains just as computers are programmed. Some people

Fortunately, their "computer programs" are healthier and probably free of self-abuse
People who tend to be happier tend to be happier. However, for those less fortunate
For example, they are pessimists by nature and think negatively. So,
To increase your happiness quotient, establish a healthy relationship with the voice in your head

Especially every time you notice yourself thinking negatively, be able to
Broken. The ability to judge lies in the ability to see, if you can observe your own negative thoughts

You're half way there. If you can ignore your own negative thoughts, still
A person who approaches things positively and optimistically will succeed in making him unhappy
"Thinking mode.

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