Be careful, you are not in Wonderland
I've heard the strange madness long growing in you soul
but you are fortunate in your ignorance
In your isolation
You who have suffered
find where love hides
give, share, lose
Lest we die unbloomed
Lest we rebirth in gloom

Such vulnerability chases us to fall down to inferno that crambles soul

I said please hold:
Though nobody heard only speechless flashbacks lit up fingertips

You called it’s desperate love
What I know it’s love
That will tear us apart

Math Day Support
On March 26th, the school held a Math Day activity, and I joined in this activity as a volunteer. The project I was in charge of in this activity was shipbuilding. The project was to create a boat with the limited materials we provided in a specific time frame and the second part was to put the boat on the same track for timing. This activity sounds very simple at first, but I found many problems when implementing it. 1. When the students finish their ships, we put the ship into the track of the time found that the ship will not move, we feel very confused, we examined all can check the problem, finally found the problem out of the water flow problems of the track, but water powered prop power is fixed, we can't change the items, so I think will track the baffle spacing in the narrow, This will increase the speed of the water, the boat will start to move, and my first problem will be solved. 2. Because math day oriented object is students, so when the students came to our project is that they are interested in marshmallow this item, cotton candy is, however, we make the ship items, the children begin to eat our props, so I made a tough decision, I locked all the marshmallaw into the cupboard lest they get it.
learning outcome: I think what impressed me most in this activity was my adaptability to emergencies, which not only exercised my ability, but also enabled me to handle other things with ease.

11 He shall not go in to any dead bodies nor make himself unclean, even for his father or for his mother. 12 He shall not go out of the sanctuary, lest he profane the sanctuary of his God, for the consecration of the anointing oil of his God is on him: I am the Lord. 13 And he shall take a wife in her virginity. 14 A widow, or a divorced woman, or a woman who has been defiled, or a prostitute, these he shall not marry. But he shall take as his wife a virgin of his own people, 15 that he may not profane his offspring among his people, for I am the Lord who sanctifies him.”

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