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Commit to restoring the planet, UN chief says in message for International Mother Earth Day
April 22, 2021

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for commitment to restoring the planet, and to making peace with nature, in his message to mark International Mother Earth Day, celebrated annually on 22 April.

This year’s observation is taking place as the planet is at “a tipping point”, he said, as humanity continues to abuse the natural world.

End the war on nature

“We heedlessly plunder the Earth’s resources, deplete its wildlife and treat air, land and seas as dumping grounds. Crucial ecosystems and food chains are being pushed to the brink of collapse”, the UN chief stated.

“This is suicidal. We must end our war on nature and nurse it back to health”.

The Secretary-General said ending this war calls for “bold climate action” to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.  Stronger steps to protect biodiversity, and reducing pollution and waste, are also needed.

“Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is a chance to set the world on a cleaner, greener, more sustainable path”, the Secretary-General said.

“On International Mother Earth Day, let us all commit to the hard work of restoring our planet and making peace with nature”.



I shall gladly suffer the pride of culture to die out in my house, if only in some fortunate future I am born a herd boy in the Brinda forest①.
The herd boy who grazes his cattle sitting under the banyan tree, and idly weaves gunja flowers into garlands, who loves to splash and plunge in the Jamuna's cool deep stream.
He calls his companions to wake up when morning dawns, and all the houses in the lane hum with the sound of the churn, clouds of dust are raised by the cattle, the maidens come out in the courtyard to milk the kine.
As the shadows deepen under the tomal trees, and the dusk gathers on the river-banks; when the milkmaids, while crossing the turbulent water tremble with fear; and loud peacocks, with tails outspread, dance in the forest, he watches the summer clouds.

#考研# #考研英语#
But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamic to help individuals improve their lives and possible the world.(2012text 1)

contend V. 认为

pressure N.压力
positive Adj.积极的
social cure 社会疗法
organization N.组织
dynamic N.动力


【句子结构】主句主干Tina Rosenberg contends that…that引导的宾语从句作谓语动词contends的宾语,宾语从句主干为peer pressure can also be a positive force through…what 引导宾语从句作through 的宾语,“in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamic to help individuals improve their lives and possible the world”中,which引导的定语从句修饰cure,in which 即in the social cure, 表示在“这种治疗当中”。


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