Flamingo pink Sunrise Boulevard
Clink clink being this young is art
Aquamarine moonlit swimming pool
What if all I need is you
Got love-struck went straight to my head
Got lovesick all over my bed
Love to think you'll never forget
Handprints in wet cement
Adorned with smoke on my clothes
Lovelorn and nobody knows
Love thorns all over this rose
I'll pay the price you won't
But if I'm all dressed up
They might as well be lookin' at us
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
I might as well be drunk in love
Send the code he's waitin' there
The sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air
Everyone wants him that was my crime
The wrong place at the right time
And I break down then he's pullin' me in
In a world of boys he's a gentleman
Got love-struck went straight to my head
Straight to my head
Got lovesick all over my bed
Over my bed
Love to think you'll never forget
We'll pay the price I guess
But if I'm all dressed up
If I'm all dressed up
They might as well be lookin' at us
Lookin' at us
And if they call me a slut
If they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
Worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
I might as well be drunk in love
Half asleep takin' your time
In the tangerine neon light this is luxury
You're not sayin' you're in love with me
But you're going to
Half awake takin' your chances
It's a big mistake
I said "It might blow up in your pretty face"
I'm not saying "Do it anyway"
Do it anyway
But you're going to
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
I might as well be drunk in love

#黑兔#elegance s04 [送花花][送花花][送花花]!!
m[心]a[兔子]c orb打底,m[心]a[兔子]c clink前中段铺一层,s04铺色,ele51眼中,muf d716卧蚕,kvd眼线,雕063腮红

#电视剧加油你是最棒的[超话]##邓伦# ❤️‍❤️‍

Wine / Love ❤️‍

What a wonderful thing it is to be "drunk in love"

Is there anything that connects wine to love? Of course, there are many and one of them is in the development of senses. The art of tasting requires us to drink slowly, paying attention to our senses. It can be said that a more seductive connection is impossible, as both the wine and the practice of love must be savored without rushing, enjoying the foreplay, the smells, the clink of the glass and the emergence of emotions. Anyone who is thirsty drinks water. Whoever wants pleasure, tastes wine and practices true love. Drink slowly and pay attention to details, using all possible stimuli, such as sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Hear the popping of the cork, the noises of love, awaken fantasies

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
  • 好看的女人当然有人追着跑,围着我转的男人也不少,但是我很明白,生意场上的男人利益为重,对我不会有真感情,所以我一律嬉笑怒骂的躲着。对自己的这种感觉我觉得很不对,
  • “决赛中是世界上最好的运动员在一起,大家都会把自己最好的动作拿出来,争取得到更好的分数。”麦克莫里斯说,“能够成为他心目中的偶像,我非常感动,因为我成长的过程中
  • 张国立的事业无疑是成功的,但是对家庭的责任和孩子的教育上,小编还是不认为他是一个好父亲,至少不是一个合格的好爸爸,大家觉得呢?张国立和邓婕一起拍摄《死水微澜》一
  • 随时随地会出人命的地方,不是给我们这些没经历战火洗礼的人去搞什么文艺情怀的野餐公园。它把一身的本领都传授给了老虎,老虎是一个有野心的家伙。
  • 同时接到前几天参加笔试面试的回复,但自打面试后就没打算去了,现在的岗位及工作氛围是我喜欢的,感受到了按时下班并且能回到自己的小家的快乐[笑哈哈]小姑也是中午打电
  • 就“汽车概况”认为,如果单纯从耐久性和稳定性角度考虑,大众车是赶不上韩系车的,韩系车虽然在中国的销量不好,网上也有很多黑粉来恶搞韩系车,但是韩系车给车主们的标签
  • 延庆赛区总体规划设计围绕“山林场馆,生态冬奥”亦即“山林掩映中的场馆群+绿色生态可持续冬奥”的理念展开——通过建筑设计、景观设计和赛道设计的联合创新,力图打造具
  • 好了,写到这,差不多也算是把自己最近心里的一些心路历程写了七七八八,还是挺不错的感觉,能清晰感觉到,那个积极向上的我正在逐渐回来,任何事情都好,你自己只要切切实
  • 出生年:2001身高:172职业:学生收入:2w学历:本科星座:水瓶座现居:湖北省 荆州市 车房:无房无车婚史:未婚自我介绍:纯正的水瓶座,慢热型选手,是一名学
  • 高卿尘很好,就是很好,不好不会有这么久草莓酱支持他,不会前辈们夸他,你隔着屏幕隔着网,嘴巴一张就是文章,你行你厉害,但是你真的成为了自己讨厌的人,因为你的属性是
  • 平凡是生活的本色,生活不能等待别人来安排,要自己去争取和奋斗;而不论其结果是喜是悲,但可以慰藉的是,你总不枉在这世界上活了一场。有了这样的认识,你就会珍重生活
  • 伯承将军更加关注这个小姑娘,从她平日里的每一点一滴中感受到她的坚韧与善良在随后的行军途中,伯承将军抽空就会去看汪荣华,并且教给她很多文化知识。后来,伯承将军被调
  • 政府和企业还为我承担了一部分保险费,降低了养殖风险。“政府实施‘政企银保+农户’的政策,身边好多人都调了牛,我也不能落后,赶紧搭乘好政策的‘东风’调引了30头基
  • 竹荐略呈长方形, 长73~ 80、宽61 ~ 68 、厚1 厘米, 用细竹棍与麻绳编联, 并固定于长77 ~ 80、直径4 ~ 5厘米的两根南北向木棍上。偶人通
  • 我对SLG游戏制作的一些思考
  • 爱就是要圆满完全的,人人都希望爱是长长久久,永永远远不改变的。在氤氲热气中解冻的小雪人,在机油味儿弥漫的车站飞奔而来的大狗狗,爱是一座桥,永隔一江水也能抵达彼岸
  • (小学生作文)临走前不忘把饭卡的花光毕业豪横了一把买了十个鸭腿最后离开学校由于过于劳累并没有一丝留恋还是我绝情现在大部分行李还在老爹车上老爹说每天下班帮我搬一袋
  • #设计美学#人之初,性本善尊本心,行其力单纯性,天真趣乐释然,自然美日月星,风雅颂#天官赐福[超话]##吃出春节仪式感##日行一善[超话]##国潮young态度
  • 要可以帮我说话的,咋也是双排的小伙伴不是[思考]。天津人,但是天津话不太会说[并不简单] 最好是喜欢听毛不易的歌的哦,有机会可以一起去看演唱会!
  • 四川拟评选100个2021年度省级(5A)先进村党组织】#小布播报#2月23日,省委组织部发布了《关于2021年度省级(5A)先进村党组织评选对象的公示》。