Certainly! Here's a creative script that imagines a scenario where Orochimaru, having taken over Sasuke's body, plots to obtain Itachi's body:


*The lair is dimly lit with candles. Orochimaru, in Sasuke's body, sits in front of a large scroll, contemplating his next move. Kabuto stands nearby, awaiting orders.*

The power of the Uchiha flows through these veins. Yet, Itachi's eyes... the Mangekyō... they call to me.

Lord Orochimaru, you possess Sasuke's body, one of the finest the Uchiha clan has to offer. Why do you still seek Itachi?

Itachi's body is the key to unlocking the truest form of the Sharingan. His eyes have seen depths of darkness and wielded powers that Sasuke has yet to master.

So, what is your plan, my lord?

We will not go to Itachi. We will make him come to us. Spread rumors of my... no, Sasuke's demise. Itachi will come to verify, driven by the bond of blood.

And when he comes?

We ambush. A battle of Sharingan against Sharingan. But this time, I hold the advantage. Sasuke's body is young, strong, and untainted by sickness. Itachi's end is near, and he knows it.

Your will shall be done.

*Orochimaru stands, Sasuke's reflection in the mirror showing a mix of determination and malice.*

Prepare the ritual site, Kabuto. The final act of the Uchiha tragedy is about to unfold, and I shall be the puppet master pulling the strings.


This script captures the essence of Orochimaru's character: his cunning nature, his relentless pursuit of power, and his strategic approach to achieving his goals. It also highlights the complex relationship between the Uchiha brothers and Orochimaru's manipulation of it.

九 18
Just as a light completely illuminates itself,
so does the mind know itself.

The light does not illuminate itself
because something that is to be illuminated
has to first of all be unilluminated,
but as soon as the light is lit it is
never obscured by any darkness, i.e., unilluminated.

答言此如燈炬明 亦能照明於自體
燈炬非是所照明 黑暗非由暗障故


最近南极光很活跃,以往要在南岛Dunedin, Queenstown, Invercargill靠近南极才能看到的极光昨天奥克兰等北岛几个地方全都实现了极光自由,大片紫色粉色很梦幻

It was so blessed to have been able to see the Aurora Australis lit up the skies across New Zealand , a magnificent yet spectacular view that offers lifetime experience and memory.

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