the weather is really nice, and i saw the clear tiny lovely new moon, look!!!!!
hahahah [哈哈][哇]
also there're so many stars tonight, everywhere~
in p10-p11 there is the great dipper, and yes, able to see it at our location~

i made myself the fried rice, went with two dishes and soup that mother prepared, all delicious, the soup is still very good, and my fried rice is tasty as well, and then i had one orange and two bananas to finish it.
i did get full and satisfied~
i found that if i don't drink too much soup/ water/ any drink by dinner, i don't have stomachache.
but i didn't add much rice to fried either, i added two eggs, half an onion, carrot and celery.

i had premature heartbeat for times today.
and very tired from afternoon, after i washed my white shoes and white bag for four times...

there's a spider "there", and it's been therefore hours after dinner and still there, and as you can tell it's not really tiny nor big, usually big ones could catch cockroaches, and this one might be able to catch mosquitoes?
right, i'm talking about the food chain by nature, and if no cockroach or mosquitoes, they would be gone, so i would keep them.
there're mosquitoes in my room...
it's summer.

so far?
then good night and love~

and when i took a walk, there're two airplanes flying by tonight in two minutes?

Several years ago, I caught a cold, and a friend of mine kindly bought a chicken and made chicken soup for me. It greatly touched me and left a lasting warmth in my heart.

When I reminisce about my childhood, a bowl of chicken soup was a rare treat. I could only indulge in it during festivals or other special celebrations. Chicken soup represented the epitome of luxury for me as a child. It was the only fancy food I could envision back then.
Nowadays, chicken soup is readily available and I can afford to drink it anytime I want. However, I have lost the same enthusiasm and appetite for it that I had in my childhood. It suddenly dawns on me that it's not just the chicken soup itself that I desire, but rather the special meaning and significant feeling associated with it.
So, I begin to search online and explore various resources that can provide me with the specific meaning I am seeking. Eventually, I find my "chicken soup" hidden within the articles I come across.

I have grown accustomed to healing my heart with simple syllables, powerful words, heart-touching phrases, thought-provoking sentences, and inspiring proverbs. It finally dawns on me that chicken soup will forever be a part of my life because certain moving stories or encouraging sentences are often referred to as "chicken soup."

Is chicken soup beneficial for us? The chicken soup in a bowl provides us with abundant nutrients that give us energy. The chicken soup in articles can inspire us and warm our souls. However, excessive consumption of chicken soup can lead to weight gain, just as an excessive addiction to chicken soup articles can make a person dull. Therefore, it is important not to indulge in it excessively, both physically and spiritually, as it can be too oily and fatty.

In fact, sometimes it is beneficial to choose to set aside or temporarily forget about chicken soup. By redirecting our energy and focusing on other things, the delightful aroma and flavor of chicken soup slowly seep into the depths of our hearts.
Chicken soup is indeed good, but it is important to consume it in moderation and at the right time. Just like everything else in the world, it can be a gift as long as we are not greedy.

Now, if you don't mind, you can enjoy this metaphorical chicken soup I have provided for you. Thank you for your attentive reading. Good night!





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