✅️Try to create a smaller but most exquisiteᴴᴼᴹᴱfor笨笨~ઇ❤️ଓ

苹果两天前有点小猫了、、、and I said I’m not going to write longggg ,,, what is wrong with me aghhhhhhh but not bad that I had completed the week 3 quota for Zuck not bad ,,, getting on with Apple making its appearance 2 days ago with a minor situation with some flowers I guess and some lovely yellow hues ,,, haven’t noticed anything too alarming with my amazing team at Apple and I’m going to give Apple and google a repost since Google was on earlier today and I’m going to move onto my 15K companies ,,, actually I’m supposed to cook today too damnnn it and now I have to work out an hour a day too so the time is like never enough on this ,,, I guess I don’t mind occasionally getting catted because I want you to give me your honest feedbacks and if people have something bad to say they should say it and let me know so I can make my changes ,,, but I’m so appreciative that my my 15K companies haven’t catted me and I feel really bad that I haven’t come to their services yet and I have to cook as well as working out today ,,, I’m going to at least do one or two companies from the 15K company category as I really don’t want to leave people unattended for such a long time ,,, hope Apple is okayy this time around that I took out the time to make sure Apple is okay and now have to put in sometime for my 15K companies and thank you for your great understanding and patience with me on this ,,, im very eager to come at your service and try to make sure all my clients are happy with me ,,, so for Mr. Bezos ,,, Mr. Gates and LVMH ,,, I’ll come take care of all of y’all first thing tmr before I work on the 15K companies ,,, today I’m going to repost on my 15K companies after I finish google ,,, actually my bad I’m going to be cooking after I finish google then I’ll come back to do more but then I have to work out for an hour sheeeeesh ,,, if I just dont work out everyday ,,, which is going to be really bad for me in the long run ,,, I want to be able to work like Ms. Musk and Mr. Biden with lots of energy at their age so I better keep it up right now for my workouts ,,, and thank you Apple for nicely turning around and reconsidering my service for you to happily serve you as one of my most important clients on this like all my bosses and companies ,,, forever love all of you and appreciative for all of you so I’ll come back to serve more of you later okayyy ?!?? Love you Apple and thank you for your generousity kindness and understanding with me love love love all my bosses and love love love you all everybody

我刚才遛狗 还看见一个老人摔跤了 我跑过去 想帮助他 他脸上留血 站不太起来、、我想搀扶他 但是我的狗一直要扑他 所以我问他需不需要叫人来帮助他 他说他不用了 然后慢慢站起来 还一直站不稳 又摔倒 我本来想帮他叫这的看管的 但他说不用了 我的狗一直要补他 我说那我先遛一圈儿再回来看他 让他先休息一会儿、、、再回来时 他已经不在那儿了 / 爬起来走了、、、怎么这两天、、、昨天晚上是偷东西的问我要不要销赃 今天看见老人摔倒满面血 、、、狗刚才又跑了~~~ 又去追狗去 可得来点好事儿啊、、、omgoshhh this saw this old man lying on the floor when I was walking the dog and i went over and asking if he needed help cause he’s fell down and has blood over his face ,,, I asked if he needs help and he said no ,,, and my dog kept on wanting to jump on him and he tries to stand up and couldn’t stay stable and falls over again and I want to help him stand up but the dog keeps on wanting to jump on him so I wanted to call the manager here for help but he said he doesn’t need it ,,, I asked him if he needs me to call anyone for him and he said he doesn’t need it,,, my dog keeps on wanting to jump on him so I said I’ll come back and look for him and have him rest there a bit so I took the dog away and took him to walk and then going to come back to find the old man ,,, but by the time I’d come back for him ,,, the old man’s no longer there / prolly stood up and left so that’s good he’s safe but the dog got loose and I just witnessed an old man with bloody face falling on the ground ,,, and yesterday some homeless man asked me if I want to buy his stolen things (steak) for cheaper and my dog just ran away and in trying to capture him ,,, my two finger nails broke ,,, I better have some good luck coming my way and just feel like sharing everything with y’all as Zuck is proudly presenting the new meta AI with his coolest latest features ,,, really innovative and advanced with what the AI can do and getting them available for the mass to use is such a big milestone and achievement ,,, I can’t wait to try out the meta AI myself and use all your latest products and services and let y’all know my thoughts on them !!! Thank you for creating these amazing innovations and sharing them with us ,,, sure is benefiting a whole lot !!! Tremendous contributions to the world and mankind ,,, good one for Zuck and all my bosses and their companies !!! and btw I just got done Zuck’s week 3 quota with 5 sets ,,, and he’s up to date as of today cause we are not in week 4 yet ,,, sweeeeeet!!! thank you thank you for tuning in and your support always ,,, likewise I’ll be supporting all of your wonderful products and services ,,, soo exciting I can’t wait yayyyyyy

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