Day 51
These day-offs remind me of something. In 2018,almost 6 years ago,my bro Wali has told me the Truth when he left (since he left we couldn’t meet again anymore even not any contact owing to some reasons, miss you, bro!). I think this is what the God wants to tell me just through Wali’s speech. But I just couldn’t get it and get rid of this suffering yet in the past years[摊手] Actually, Wali has told me a lot of lesson which is more helpful to my growth. Though we have met just for 4 months, it seems he had already known everything about me, and there was no doubt that he is a smart guy. But I just didn’t get it what he had told me…
Back to 2 years ago, that was the first date for me on April 4th as the same day offs as this year which I could well remember. In term to that relationship, I’ve got to say I didn’t obtain many joys or happiness but more for frustration. At the very beginning of the relationship, I acknowledge that I got a little precious joys and good moments, but as time went by, that relationship had changed completely owing to some issues,but her mindset counted on mostly…
Today the reflection I arises is not because I miss that relationship, but it’s about my thoughts on my destiny and the Truth my bro told me. Now I absolutely realise the lesson that relationship won’t solve all my issues, and I got to go find something worths doing. And this Truth will always benefit me!

At 111 years and 224 days old, John Alfred Tinniswood from England has officially claimed the title of world’s oldest living man.
Guinness World Records made the announcement on Friday, two days after announcing the death of former title holder Juan Vicente Pérez at the age of 114, a month shy of his 115th birthday.

On April 5, 2024, 8 4th year students from Thai Language and Culture for foreigners programme presented 3rd presentation of academic project or research paper writing under advisor’s supervision to address a Thai-related topic of interest, based on an outline developed in ‘Introduction to Project Writing’, collected data and data analysis, culminating in a full report and presentation of the findings.

This activity is part of course 1005482 Senior Project.The activity took place around 9 AM - 12 AM at E1-A 608 room, E4 building.

#TLCF #liberalartsmfu #MFU #แม่ฟ้าหลวง #ศิลปศาสตร์มฟล #ศิลปศาสตร์

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  • 热爱生命,诠释生命让你生命中的一切都变得美好。勿忘那些刻骨铭心的苦难 转眼就是1⃣️2⃣️年了(四年前毕业旅行去四川) 一晃八年 有些伤疤是一辈子都不能忘也忘
  • 2018年8月,人民网舆情数据中心发布《2018上半年全国5A级旅游景区综合影响力排行榜TOP50》三清山旅游景区以58.20的综合影响力排第21名。位于欧亚板
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  • 还喂到我嘴边,我捂住嘴拒绝,他还用哀怨的小眼神看我!最近我长胖了不少,他白天就在那喊我小胖,然后我也下定决心减肥,吃玉米紫薯啥的。
  • ”相互懂得太难了,但是总有一些时刻,我听懂了小峰,小峰也在唱给我。这一张也是承载了最多记忆的吧。
  • #TT观后感# 今年读完的第十本~#本源-[美]丹·布朗[图书]# 的确没有巅峰时期的情节那么错综复杂、高潮迭起、险象环生,感觉一直在烘托主题,可结尾有点儿没接
  • #成果[超话]##30天安利成果# Day6 吹一个彩虹屁 说实话我是真的不会吹[允悲]爱你爱你(୨୧•͈ᴗ•͈)◞︎ᶫᵒᵛᵉ   ♡我只是你的铁粉,你却不只
  • 当前,在常态化疫情防控形势下,希望你们不松劲、不懈怠、不侥幸,继续织牢织密疫情防线,切实加强院感防控,用你们的专业水准、职业态度、敬业精神守护好人民的健康,主动
  • 在太乙道系里则是共修、听课分享,法布施各项工作能纵向贯彻落实到每一义工,每个人通过每日精进成长提升,让更多人成为道系坚强的中流砥柱。每个义工都可以毛遂自荐,在太
  • CP网名:神/上神万丈/深渊止水/鼬神隔岸/观火观日落/日落执籥/秉翟月壤/星屑裙/裙下之臣灵犀/心有灵犀才下眉头/却上心头万千萤火/熠熠星河星辰/揽星辰入梦刚
  • #小晗日常# 买了一大箱的德亚牛奶,之前也一直在家里的大润发定这个牛奶外卖~后来干脆直接在网上买一箱了[允悲]女人是水做的,我可能是牛奶做的吧……自从我get了
  • 只要怀揣希望,逐梦前行,你就是自己的人生主角。那我们要做的就是:怀揣希望去努力,静待美好的出现。
  • 至于“顽抗到底,一条路走到黑的,”不是一路人,请离开。 至于“顽抗到底,一条路走到黑的,”不是一路人,请离开。
  • !我也庆幸还有500保卫丝姐妹陪着我看着他们变得越来越好,真的像妈妈一样看着两个孩子从不熟变得亲密无间,我们在见证一段历史吧,一段别致的感情[爱你][爱你][爱
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  • 我愿化身石桥,受五百年的风吹,五百年的日晒,五百年的雨打,只求她从桥上经过。 阿难对佛祖说 :我喜欢上了一女子。 佛祖问阿难:你有多喜欢这女子? 阿难说
  • 】吃软不吃硬;经常口是心非;很乐观又很悲观;安全感不多;有点感性;有些话即使害怕错过也不说;常常被人骗;小敏感;小洁癖;小心软;害怕受伤;总说自己不孤单,其实很
  • 为更好的服务农业生产,2019年,江陵县圆满完成2018年度3.7万亩高标准农田建设任务,启动了2019年度4.48万亩高标准农田建设。2019年,江陵县统筹财
  • 善良是心照不宣的给予,是若水如风的感动,而不是口若悬河的自我吹捧,是替人着想给对方的坦荡,真诚与光明,一切以方便他人为目的的自我约束行为,都是这世上最宝贵的善良