
这家总部位于芝加哥的初创企业截至到2021年已经获得了1亿美元的融资。最近,它获得了7500万美元的C轮融资,由D1 Capital Partners领投,Bessemer Venture Partners、Nosara Capital和CPMG参与了后续投资。

这轮融资也得到了食品杂货配送App Instacart前总裁Nilam Ganenthiran的支持。之前的B轮融资由CPMG牵头,Bessemer和Nosara Capital参与,共融资2500万美元。迄今为止,该公司已融资1.25亿美元。它自称是烈酒行业最大的B2B酒水饮料平台,至少与美国10%的酒吧和餐厅合作。

Provi表示,公司业绩在过去一年中增长了两倍,再加上最新的投资的加持,预计未来一年的收入将比过去增长20倍。目前该笔资金用于招聘新的员工并扩大其电商平台的规模。Provi首席执行官Taylor Katzman表示:“我们的市场为零售商提供搜索、购物和推荐数以百万计的产品的服务,他们能够利用我们的平台更好地沟通,库存追踪和补充库存。

9月21日,保乐力加(Pernod Ricard)以未公开的价格收购了在线和实体零售商the Whisky Exchange,这是目前全球酒类电子商务领域的爆炸性新闻

Guangzhou Broadcasting Network and the Consulate General of the State of Qatar in Guangzhou have formally agreed to jointly produce a 4K documentary to mark Zheng He's expedition to the Western ocean more than 600 years ago, after a launch ceremony was held in the Guangdong provincial capital on Sunday.

Production of the documentary, titled Sunshine Road, will be completed in August 2023, and the documentary will be broadcast on television stations in both China and Qatar, conveying the friendship between China and Qatar and demonstrating the ancient maritime Silk Road culture.

Ali Alhajri, consul-general of the Consulate General of the State of Qatar in Guangzhou, said Zheng, with his long voyages, has left a strong mark on history and has far-reaching influence.

"To this day, this influence still persists in the hearts of Chinese and Asian people. And these achievements are beyond the reach of other travelers, explorers and navigators," he said.

Zheng explored the world, contacted countries and made contributions to communication between the major human civilizations in the world at that time, building bridges, he said.

"It is an unparalleled great achievement in Chinese history and even in the history of world navigation, and it is a firm step in the progress of human civilization," he added.

"From the fields of navigation, medicine, agriculture and commerce, to the fields of religion, art and literature, Zheng's voyages to the West have achieved the large-scale exchange and integration of ideas and experience in different fields and brought closer relations between peoples of various countries, promoting exchange between China and the countries through which the fleet passed," Alhajri said.

"These voyages expressed the sincere desire of the Chinese people to coexist peacefully with people of all countries in the world," he added.


Muzata Cable Railing Post Black Square Weldless Flat top 42’’x2’’x2’’Stainless Steel Pre-Drilled Posts Wood Concrete Surface Mount Deck Balustrade Invisible 4Pack PS01 BA4L, PT1 PT3 PT6
Commercial height- 42’’ height is suitable for commercial cable railing project, providing more security as it reduces the risk of falling off. This post is also ideal for installing an invisible cable railing system on deck, stair, porch, and balcony.
Water-proof- The post is made of T304 stainless steel, which does great in weather protection and corrosion resistance. It's ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. Besides, all the accessories are made of stainless steel. However, we don't suggest you use this post in applications near the seaside cities or in humid conditions. We will launch aluminum posts with fluorocarbon finishing to work for coastal applications in the near future.
Easy to install - The holes are pre-drilled with each spacing of standard 3’’ distance, resolving the problem of drilling hole by yourself. The diameter of each hole is 10.5mm, which fits most of the cable railing kits on the market. The curved and flat bracket are both included to fit round or rectangle handrails. We carefully designed this post to work for code compliance of almost all the states.
Black finished- The classic black surface is elegant and eye-catching. It doesn't show the dirt obviously, reducing your efforts of daily cleaning.Search Muzata PT1 to find a variety of cable railing posts in different colors and sizes. Search Muzata HR0 to find the stainless steel handrails. Search muzata CV1 to find the invisible cable railing hardware kits.
Items included- stainless steel post x 4; foot cover x 4; flat bracket x 4; curved bracket x 4; screws x 8 for wood handrails; screws x 8 for metal handrails; expansion bolt x 16 for concrete surface; wood screw x 16; washer x 16; wrench x 1; allen wrench x 3. We provide a one-stop cable railing store and personalized design for your project. Please reach us if you have any question or need.

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