We got to play 6 shows in Singapore for the most wonderful crowds - just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who traveled and put so much effort into being at our shows. What an unforgettable way to end this leg of the tour!! See you in May when we get back to the Eras Tour!! In the meantime l've got an album to release...✍️

Personally, l more like civil law because it isvery close to our lives. The primary purposeof civil law is to resolve disputes and providecompensation for someone injured by othe!s acts or behavior. In most cases, a simpledispute can be fixed between citizens rathe!than intervened by country. l think that ifcan use my professional knowledge i haveearned in university to provide legal service!to the people, l will have a special sense ofaccomplishment.#法律硕士复试[超话]# #考研复试#



一切”相“,只是头脑把 气脉显像 贴上标签具体化,气脉流动无实,标签念头无实,无实+无实=无实,一切”相“皆如湖上映月,鲜活可见 却非实体。

认知到 觉知之相,即觉知本身,
认知到 觉知之明性,是空性的性质,



Everything you experience, whether on a physical level or a subtle level, whether it's yourself or others, is just the manifestation of the energy body.
With love, forgiveness, and understanding (forgiving oneself, understanding others), illuminating all manifestations perceived, is the supreme practice, the supreme offering, the supreme dedication, and the ultimate method to change destiny.
Love filled with forgiveness, infinite light filled with understanding, awareness filled with compassion.

All levels of experience, awareness of the physical world, awareness of the subtle level, are all awareness.
There is the "form" of awareness, and the "clarity" of awareness.
All "forms" are just labels, a concretization that the mind attaches to the manifestation of the energy body; the flow of energy is insubstantial, and the labels of thoughts are insubstantial, so insubstantial + insubstantial = insubstantial; all "forms" are like the moon reflected on the lake, vividly visible but not substantial.

Recognizing the form of awareness is awareness itself,
Recognizing the clarity of awareness is the emptiness by nature,
And abiding in this recognition is the ultimate practice.

(Excerpt from "The Essence of Obstacles," published on March 11, 2024,Inspiration Lake, inspirationlake.org)


Tout ce que vous expérimentez, que ce soit sur le plan physique ou subtil, que ce soit vous-même ou les autres, n'est que la manifestation du corps énergétique.
Avec amour, pardon et compréhension (se pardonner, comprendre les autres), illuminer toutes les manifestations perçues, c'est la pratique suprême, l'offrande suprême, la dédicace suprême et la méthode ultime pour changer le destin.
Amour rempli de pardon, lumière infinie remplie de compréhension, conscience remplie de compassion.

Tous les niveaux d'expérience, la conscience du monde physique, la conscience du niveau subtil, sont tous de la conscience.
Il y a la "forme" de la conscience et la "clarté" de la conscience.
Toutes les "formes" ne sont que des étiquettes, une concrétisation que l'esprit attache à la manifestation du corps énergétique; le flux d'énergie est insubstantiel, et les étiquettes des pensées sont insubstantielles, donc insubstantiel + insubstantiel = insubstantiel ; toutes les "formes" sont comme la lune reflétée sur le lac, vivement visible mais pas substantielle.

Reconnaître la forme de la conscience, c'est la conscience elle-même,
Reconnaître la clarté de la conscience, c'est du vide par nature,
Et demeurer dans cette reconnaissance est la pratique ultime.

(Extrait de "L'essence des obstacles", publié le 11 mars 2024, Inspiration Lake, inspirationlake.org)

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