【#燕郊爆燃事故致7死27伤#】3月13日7时54分,河北廊坊三河市燕郊镇发生一起爆燃事故。截至13日23时,现场救援工作已基本结束,事故造成7人死亡,27人受伤。受伤人员中14人已出院,其余人员均无生命危险。事故原因正在调查中。(总台记者万灵)@央视新闻 Seven were killed and 27 others injured following an explosion in north China's Hebei Province on Wednesday, local authorities said Thursday. The blast, suspected to have been caused by a gas leak, occurred at 7:54 a.m. Wednesday at a shop in Yanjiao township in the city of Sanhe, according to the city's emergency management bureau. All the injured have been rushed to the hospital. An investigation is under way.

Spring is coming. In the morning I always get up early because of the sound of birdsong. There is nothing more beautiful than the birds' chirspping of the dawn chorus. Then I start to prepare my breakfast in my clean and beautiful kitchen. In fact I’m inspired by the vast array of ingredients and dishes that I could create. Setting a table and setting out flowers are also the joyful experiences for me.

Morning! The birds' song and the home-cooked breakfast cheer me up. Now I'm sitting down at a fancy meal(Cream of Mushroom Soup, Open Sandwich with cheese, avocado, raspberry and cherry tomatoes). Enjoy!

These Bodies Between Us - Sarah Van Name - Audiobook有声书m4b+电子书epub - Reading age ‏ : ‎ 12 - 17 years - Lexile measure ‏ : ‎ HL700L - YA - March 12, 2024
A wistful coming-of-age story with a haunting twist about four friends who spend their summer learning to become invisible—but disappearing comes at a cost.

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