SH新品-2024年3月上市新品 #模型网新品预告#

February is over, March is here and with it also comes our third newsletter of the year. If I can look back on February, it was quite atypical. While it wasn't snowing here in the Czech Republic, Russian fighter bombers were falling down over Ukraine. As a skiing lover, I hope for winters full of snow. I also hope for a sky without Russian bombers over Ukraine. It would certainly be better if people in Ukraine could live in peace without Russian bombs and missiles. And also make models. Like ICM for example. Last month we offered you an interior set for the 1/35 AH-1G Cobra helicopter model kit by this company. In this newsletter you will find another set for this model and we are preparing more for the following months. The sets will combine resin cast parts with 3D-printed ones. Similarly, after the Tempest Mk.V sets, we focused on the Airfix Typhoon Mk.I model. But the sets for this model will be in the vast majority made by direct 3D printing. You will find the first in this newsletter, others will follow.

This spring will bring the quarterscale SF-260 model, the realization of which is approaching, we are also working hard on the 1/48 SMB-2 Super Mystère 'Sa'ar – Israeli Storm in the Sky' kit in Hi-tech format. But before it comes to that, we will offer you an AJ-37 Viggen in anniversary camouflage and an upgraded re-edition of the 1/72 Westland Whirlwind Mk.I model. The latter will offer modified decals and resin parts combined with 3D printing. We are also preparing another cover for our new F-84F Thunderstreak. It will be special in that each kit will contain a piece of sheet metal from a real F-84F that crashed in the Šumava mountains here in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War. You bought out the first F-84F release, kit SH72395, faster than we had expected. So it is not available at the moment, but we are preparing a second re-edition.

In the March newsletter you will find three plastic models, all this time in 1/72 scale. In addition to the above-mentioned sets among the resin and 3D printed sets, the quarterscale Humber LRC is definitely worth paying attention to. We had to postpone its implementation several times, for which we apologize. But the result is worth it. Equally, or perhaps even more interesting, is the 3D printed model of the 60 cm Flak Scheinwerfer (Flak Sw-36) mit Sd.Ah.51. This searchlight is a hit in 1/72 scale and due to the top quality we expect it to be a hit in 1/48 scale as well. But that depends on you. So we look forward to your orders.
ht tp s://ww fo/2024/03/news-from-special-hobby-32024.html

#郑在玹[超话]# #郑在玹prada全球品牌代言人# #郑在玹四男奢一#

240312 |ENVI米兰时装周相关报道

原文指出“Prada campaign star and long-time ambassador, Jaehyun, authored a placement worth 1.3 million in MIV® although he was not present at the event. Meanwhile, Ferragamo ambassador Jeno was responsible for 1.1 million in MIV®, generated through a sole Instagram post, and Doyoung accrued 903K
via one placement.”

Fully automatic stainless steel grinding machine for ceramic pigments Hailu intelligent nano grinder intelligent production of 600 to 20000 meshes
智能制造:全自动纳米粉碎机 精密美观
执行规定:GB4706.1 GB4706.30
产品特点:相对低温 真超细 全自动 食品级
产品型号:CN65639 2019-2039
产品材质:SUS304不锈钢 净重2690g
产品功率:300W 电压110V/220V
电机转速:28000r/min 产能>400g/次
入料干燥:>99% 不含油不含胶 硬度<46HRC
自动清理:入新料前掀盖 开机 瞬间自动清理干净
操作提示:亲 请开机时注意离手

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
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  • 所以我们要避免和他们有经济对抗(这次我们不帮俄也不帮乌,就是中立,谁都不得罪。但在经济问题上,由于现行世界秩序规则制定者在人家手里,所以我不主张在经济上和其对抗