不论好坏 都终于是有了个结果
Dear Bible, I'm not sure how long I can continue to love you. I know you're really looking forward to the Four Minutes project, and you've put in a lot of effort for it. I'm glad you've achieved it. Congratulations. I hope you can shape a better character and achieve success. I'm not sure what the future will be like, but I will choose to respect your decision. I just want to say good luck to you, brother@Bsumettikul柏博
I accept all of this calmly because I feel that Bible is not wrong. Build is not wrong, guarding bubbles for love, and even more so, everything is one's own choice. Everyone's choice is for what they love. Finally, I hope we are both safe and shining brightly@Buildurluve4U
I love you so fucking much

老公穿透视衣服是你的武器吗 Wanna touch your body all night投我那够一加那 那咪加那 内呢gin 木漏 打啦哇Put you on my back seat Back seat Back seat uh woo uh 一gi不露 内泼料多 You don't have to fight 不哥漏我哈几马 Put you on my back seat Back seat Back seat Now let's get it on on my back seat

奔驰好像也想加入的意思~~ 很多公司和个人我开放到四月给了银行信息 再开始转发了 因为我看不懂他们发的 太多人跟发了 以收到钱为准吧、、先确认这几家公司~~

Okayyy I’m giving Mercedes Benz a repost because it looks like it’s interested to join the service sweet ,,, but I’m afraid I might read people wrong but it looks pretty clear huhh,,, so I guess I’m going to repost Mercedes Benz 2-3 per week for the 15K spot starting from today ,,,, and all other car brands can also join for 15K but I’m going to put the available date to after April 1st when I receive the first payment cause I need to be sure whose interested in joining ,,, I can’t tell from people posting away cars ,,,, I guess since I’ve been in contact with a Mercedes Benz and also it’s send out this pretty clear red white and heart one so it’s kinda obvious and I’m just going to repost 2-3 times a week so even if it’s wrong ,,, it wouldn’t hurt too bad so this is what I’m going to do ,,, welcome Mercedes Benz to join and other car brands I welcome you all too but please wait until April to send in the payment first so I can be of sure who it is I have to work for cause I just can’t tell by the enormous numbers of cars the car brands are all posting and not even sure if people are just posting on their own or they want to join,,, so as my 50K squad A listers ,,, i saw both Soulja Boy and Busta Rhymes following up today and immediately after I sign off yesterday too there was Soulja boy and The Rock ?!? all posting immediately after but I can’t even tell if people are interested or they are just posting loll,,, so let me try to figure that out tmr okayy ?!?? Cause it’s getting late and I have to do my personal content and a birthday content for Michael my top sales ,,, so will take care of y’all tmr and my plan is that for all the 50K people or companies that want to join ,,, y’all start in April too with the payment in first so I know who’s in fact definitely joining cause I can read people wrong on this ,,, time is of the essence clearly not enough time in a day so I don’t want to repost you and you weren’t even talking to me ,,, so we start in April with the 50K people or companies if you like what others are getting you can join by first submitting your pay then I know who it is that I shall send the service to,,, with that said I’m still going to repost Soulja Boy,,, Busta Rhymes ,,, and The Rock tmr just to make sure and double check with y’all again and also I’m going to keep connecting with y’all closely until April okayy so potential buyers are all under more care naturally so I’m going to be talking to all of you more tmr okayy ?!?? So as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley I’m going to repost one more time to invite to see if y’all are interested or you can send me something in if you are ,,, it’s not that I don’t want to do it today it’s just we are running out of time ,,, so I’m going to wrap it up right now and get my personal content and Michael’s birthday content out now then I’m going to sleep ,,, I also have to go to the dentist tmr and I’m kinda scared lol cause they are going to give me anesthesia tmr for deep cleaning so I’m kinda scared lol but yahhh I’ll talk to y’all in the meanwhile,,, and also I see the VP posting one for the ceasefire in Gaza for 6 weeks for more humanitarian aid and I couldn’t be happier ,,, and I also want to repost on that but time is so short again so will repost on that one tmr ,,, cause no more staying up late at night !!! So yahhh I hope to start earlier next time each day so I can do a little better and a little more ,,, today I didn’t get done cooking until pretty late so ,,,, yahhhh let’s connect all more tmr !!! Thank you Mercedes Benz for joining the 15K squad really happy and excited to have you join and I can’t wait to get a G-wagon as well as a cybertruck so definitely happy you have joined too !!! heart heart heart

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