再一条马斯克的 我就做饭去了~~ okayy one more set for Mr. Musk today and that’s a wrap for now ,,, I think I will repost Mr. Musk and Google and Temu ,,, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley all tmr cause I still have to cook today and it’s getting close to 10 o’clock and I will have to cover some Chinese side of work too so we are all even on this so nobody gets mad at me over time all will have their time on this and everybody take turns ,,, so have to get the Chinese reposted too plus I have to run my Chinese TikTok and Chinese celebrity business that the red boss no longer wants to sign me loll have to be thinking of more ways to be making the money but hope my main guests could be the happiest on this,,, I’m so glad Mr. Musk is happy cause he’s supposed to be really hard to work for and if he approves that means I’m doing pretty good so have to make sure more people are all happy too so I’ll try to get more all posted okayyy so we see different faces on this and have more fun and varieties always so yahhh looking forward to having more fun with y’all love love love Mr. Musk and all my bosses and everyone heart heart heart thank you for all your support and kindest loveeee

马斯克在外滩笑的这么高兴 我再给他转一下 我就去做饭了、、、易咪咪你也可以忙了~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱妈妈咪~~

Woww Mr. Musk couldn’t be happier I’m so glad niceeeeee my work today has paid off and glad it turned out pretty good for all of us ,,, now I might have to repost and follow up with Mr. Gates and Google and Temu and Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley tmr just because I still have to cook today and it’s getting close to 10 o’clock again lolll,,, but we have to make sure that Mr. Musk is always covered ,,, now I always must sleep at 10 o’clock tho so I will go to bed and start earlier next day if I’m not done with today’s reposts and I might not write that long for the repost just so I can cover everyone and I have to do a little bit of work for the Chinese today / everyday too heads up so all can be covered but depends on the time tho cause today there is clearly not much time left and no time for my personal content today until maybe tmr so I will write a bit less for each set cause that can take time too for the writing will see sometimes I just have to talk a little more sometimes not so much but yahhh these are the plans so far glad Mr. Musk finds it happy goooood I’m glad my bosses are all happy and I hope he’s happy that I’m posting him right away as I see him too before I’d have to wait until when I upload my content but now I priotize Mr. Musk okayyyy so will leave more talks for tmr ,,, really can’t wait until I get funded tho so we have more variety and ways to having fun seriously exciting and the most exciting thing and so I no longer need to get jealous for Ms. Musk that she gets to travel around the world and I will have the money to do the same ,,,, yayyyy thank you to Mr. Musk he’s so thoughtful and kind like all my bosses and everyone loves !!! Love love love couldn’t thank enough !!!! I’m glad and happy that you are happy and y’all make me happy !!! Heart heart heart thank you Mr. Musk and thank you all my bosses and everyone loves

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