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2023/24赛季 西甲 前26轮(20轮启) 助攻

×4丨İlkay Gündoğan✗(巴塞罗那)

×3丨Vinicius Junior(皇家马德里)Miguel Gutiérrez(吉罗纳)Lamine Yamal*(巴塞罗那)Antoine Griezmann(马德里竞技)Willian José✗(皇家贝蒂斯)Sergi Cardona(拉斯帕尔马斯)Diego López(瓦伦西亚)Álex Baena(比利亚雷亚尔)

×2丨Federico Valverde(皇家马德里)Sávio、Yan Couto(吉罗纳)Pedri、João Cancelo(巴塞罗那)Rodrigo Riquelme、Nahuel Molina(马德里竞技)Gorka Guruzeta(毕尔巴鄂竞技)Nabil Fekir、Johnny Cardoso*(皇家贝蒂斯)Sandro Ramírez(拉斯帕尔马斯)Mason Greenwood*(赫塔菲)Samu Omorodion*、Carlos Vicente、Álex Sola(阿拉维斯)Alexander Sørloth、Gonçalo Guedes(比利亚雷亚尔)Jørgen Strand Larsen、Luca de la Torre(塞尔塔)

×1丨Jude Bellingham、Eduardo Camavinga、Toni Kroos、Aurélien Tchouaméni、Fran García*、Lucas Vázquez(皇家马德里)Portu、Pablo Torre、Iván Martín、Aleix García(吉罗纳)Robert Lewandowski、Ferran Torres、Raphinha、Héctor Fort、Jules Koundé、Andreas Christensen(巴塞罗那)Memphis Depay、Ángel Correa、Koke、Samuel Lino*、Reinildo Mandava(马德里竞技)Álex Berenguer、Oihan Sancet、Nico Williams、Yuri Berchiche、Óscar de Marcos、Yeray Álvarez(毕尔巴鄂竞技)Marc Roca(皇家贝蒂斯)Aihen Muñoz、Beñat Turrientes、Igor Zubeldia、Jon Pacheco(皇家社会)Alberto Moleiro、Javi Muñoz、Marc Cardona(拉斯帕尔马斯)Sergi Canós、Alberto Marí、Pepelu、José Gayà(瓦伦西亚)Luis Milla、Juan Iglesias(赫塔菲)David García、Jesús Areso、Rubén García、Pablo Ibáñez、Jon Moncayola、Johan Mojica(奥萨苏纳)Kike García*、Luis Rioja、Jon Guridi、Carlos Benavidez(阿拉维斯)Filip Jørgensen、Raúl Albiol(比利亚雷亚尔)Óscar Trejo*、Alfonso Espino、Pep Chavarría(巴列卡诺)Isaac Romero、Mariano Díaz*、Lucas Ocampos、Suso、Adrià Pedrosa、Marcos Acuña(塞维利亚)Cyle Larin、Manu Morlanes、Dani Rodríguez、Giovanni González(马略卡)Iago Aspas、Jailson、Javier Manquillo、Óscar Mingueza、Manu Sánchez(塞尔塔)Sergi Guardiola、Rubén Alcaraz*(加的斯)Myrto Uzuni、Facundo Pellistri、Gerard Gumbau、Faitout Maouassa、Sergio Ruiz(格拉纳达)Jonathan Viera、Sergio Arribas、Lucas Robertone、Álex Centelles、Marc Pubill(阿尔梅里亚)


2023/24赛季 西甲 前26轮(20轮启) 间接助攻

×4丨Frenkie de Jong(巴塞罗那)

×3丨Ferran Torres(巴塞罗那)Ángel Correa(马德里竞技)Kirian Rodríguez(拉斯帕尔马斯)

×2丨Brahim Díaz、Toni Kroos、Ferland Mendy(皇家马德里)Sávio(吉罗纳)Lamine Yamal(巴塞罗那)Stefan Savic(马德里竞技)Nico Williams、Iñaki Williams(毕尔巴鄂竞技)Dimitri Foulquier(瓦伦西亚)Luis Rioja、Ander Guevara(阿拉维斯)José Luis Morales(比利亚雷亚尔)Lucas Ocampos(塞维利亚)Iago Aspas、Óscar Mingueza、Fran Beltrán(塞尔塔)Ricard Sánchez(格拉纳达)

×1丨Jude Bellingham、Federico Valverde、Daniel Carvajal(皇家马德里)Pablo Torre、Valery Fernández、Iván Martín、Yangel Herrera、Miguel Gutiérrez、David López、Paulo Gazzaniga(吉罗纳)João Félix、Raphinha、João Cancelo、Jules Koundé、Pau Cubarsí(巴塞罗那)Memphis Depay、Pablo Barrios、Rodrigo de Paul、Koke、Nahuel Molina、Gabriel Paulista*(马德里竞技)Adu Ares、Yuri Berchiche(毕尔巴鄂竞技)Willian José、Isco、Nabil Fekir、Johnny Cardoso、Héctor Bellerín、Sokratis Papastathopoulos(皇家贝蒂斯)Jon Ander Olasagasti、Mikel Merino、Jon Pacheco(皇家社会)Marvin Park、Cristian Herrera、Enzo Loiodice(拉斯帕尔马斯)Diego López、Jesús Vázquez、Thierry Correia、José Gayà(瓦伦西亚)Jaime Mata、Yellu Santiago(赫塔菲)Ante Budimir、David García、Rubén Peña(奥萨苏纳)Carlos Vicente、Antonio Sivera、Nahuel Tenaglia(阿拉维斯)Álex Baena、Alberto Moreno、Eric Bailly、Yerson Mosquera(比利亚雷亚尔)Sergio Camello、Isi Palazón、Alfonso Espino(巴列卡诺)Suso、Juanlu Sánchez、Marcos Acuña(塞维利亚)Manu Morlanes、Martin Valjent、Antonio Raíllo(马略卡)Jørgen Strand Larsen、Manu Sánchez(塞尔塔)Javi Hernández、Robert Navarro(加的斯)Gonzalo Villar、Óscar Melendo、Sergio Ruiz(格拉纳达)Sergio Arribas、Luka Romero、Largie Ramazani、Iddrisu Baba(阿尔梅里亚)


Unit 1 Our school subjects

Period 1
Story time
Step 1 warm up
T: Hello boys and girls. Today is the first day of the new term.
I want to say “Welcome back to school”to you. 课件呈现Welcome back to school!这句话并进行教学 back读音bag和duck
Then have a Free talk. Teacher greets to students and present “Nice to see you .”and “Nice to see you too.”
Learning tips: Nice to meet you. Nice to see you.

Step 2 Presentation
1 Learn the new words and sentences
T: Today, I take a rhyme there. Let’s enjoy it.
We learn English, Aa Bb Cc;
We learn Maths, one two three;
We learn Music, do re mi;
We learn Art, red yellow green.
T: So do you know English? Read after me.
Present “ English, Maths, Music, Art” and teach these new words.
T: Yes, you can read them correctly. These words are all about school subjects.
呈现儿歌标题school subjects. 并教学subjects
2 Learn Story time
(1) Present the title.
T: Today we are going to learn Unit 1School subjects
(2)Guessing game
T: First let's play a game. Please look at the picture and guess what subject it is?
(3) Learn Picture 1
T: Look Miss Li and her students are in the classroom today now. And Today is the first day of the new term. What will they say when they meet each other?
(Brain storm. What will they say?” S: ...
T: You are so clever. What do they really say? Let’s listen and repeat.
(4)Learn about Picture2
T: Look,this is the timetable.(课件呈现课文中的第二幅图)
Present “timetable”
T: Do we have a timetable?Where is it? 引导学生回答并指出班级的课程表的位置。
T:Now look at this timetable carefully. And what subjects do they have?
S: ... Present “ PE. Science”进行教学,单词旁边配图
(5) Learn about Picture 3-4
T: Yes, they have seven subjects. And who are they ?
T: What subjects do they like?
Present “ What subject do they like?”
T: Let’s watch and match.
在这个过程中呈现Yang Ling说的话It's fun. 并教学。
(6)Learn about Picture 5
T: We know Yang Ling, Mike and Liu Tao’s favourite subjects. How about Liu Tao? What subjects does Liu Tao like? Let’s read the dialogue carefully and find the answer.
S: ...
T: Yes,you are right. Look at the last picture. Wang Bing says:...
S: It’s time for PE.
T: And Mike says:...
S: Let’s go to the playground.
T: (课件中圈出操场,带读“playground”)
T: Look at Liu Tao and Yang Ling. They are very happy. There’s a big smile on their face. So do Mike and Wang Bing. So all of them like PE,I think.
Learning tip: 阅读中也要注意观察图片,同样会有收获!

Step 3 Consolidation
1 Read and imitate
2 Act in roles
3 Make a new dialogue
T: Look, their friends Su Hai and Su Yang are coming, What subjects do they like?
Let’s work in two and make a new dialogue.
Key sentences.
What subjects do they like?
I like...
It’s / They are ...
Me too.

Step 4 Homework
1 Read and try to recite the Story time
2 Talk about your favourite subjects with your partners.

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