Actually, I am not bad to you, but you were never aware of it cause you have no light inside.
You are different from me. What you like is not a certain person, but how good this person is to you. You really shouldn't have met me.
You also said that you like this person when he is here in your presence. If he is not by your side for a few days, you will not have him in mind. You will be desperate to find another person to accompany you, which is really not good. Maybe it was right for us to separate.
This is your miraculous first time falling in "love"(maybe just like, maybe even not) in the last 29 years. You didn't understand yourself. You step on me and move forward, known what you want. This is really very unfair to me. You said I hurt you very deeply. How could you say that? In fact, it was you who take and deceive me quite deeply.
I would sincerely like to thank you for done with me, thank you for cutting me some slack. I will surely have a happy life with my missus, and you won't, maybe. But I wish you do.

【建筑可思议】927 | Visitor Center of Kunshan Urban Ecological Forest Park

The design is not complex at all; we have created a small architectural cluster by adopting an approach called "breaking up the whole into parts". Each part has flexible functions to meet initial multiple needs and adapt to potential future changes. Visitors can reach the woodlands and waterfront in the back by passing through the cluster. Some of these small buildings are covered by a square perforated metal grille roof. Such design creates a semi-covered outdoor space, for hosting public activities and as a lounge space. To be precise, it is a pavilion-like space.

建筑设计:Atelier Archmixing
项目面积:1025.00 m²

今天看国会山网站,注意到一则新闻标题如下:  Hogan throws curveball into Maryland Senate race。

⚾️ throw sb a curveball


英释:to surprise someone with something that is difficult or unpleasant to deal with.


The weather threw a curve ball at their outdoor picnic and they had to eat indoors. 
天气忽然变得很糟糕,他们不得不中断室外的野餐,而到室内吃。He really throws me a curveball. 他真的让我措手不及。

Mother Nature threw us a curve ball last winter with record-breaking amounts of snow.

I wasn't expecting my boss to throw me a curveball by assigning me to lead the project.

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