#白鹿[超话]#bl#白鹿北上# bl#白鹿夏凤华#

Bạn không thể kiểm soát được mọi tình huống xảy ra. Nhưng bạn hoàn toàn có thể kiểm soát được suy nghĩ và thái độ của mình.

//* You can not control every situation occurs. But you can completely control your thoughts and your attitude.


#白鹿北上# #白鹿白月梵星#

[微风][微风]Bạn không thể kiểm soát được mọi tình huống xảy ra. Nhưng bạn hoàn toàn có thể kiểm soát được suy nghĩ và thái độ của mình.

//* You can not control every situation occurs. But you can completely control your thoughts and your attitude. @白鹿my

SH新品-2024年2月上市新品 #模型网新品预告#

The Nuremberg fair is over now. Despite some chaos in the organisation before the start of the fair, we can say we are quite satisfied with our participation and the fair itself. Compared to last year, the first post-covid year, the exhibitors were much more plentiful this year. Many more traders and distributors also arrived at the meeting. So we practically did not have the chance to stop for a while. This, of course, filled us with optimism as it was nice to meet you all in person. When I write about personal meetings, I was most impressed by meetings with colleagues from Ukrainian companies. War is terrible. It's one thing to watch it from the comfort of your home on TV news, and another to hear about personal experience with Russian missile and drone attacks on civilian targets. Working and creating kits in such conditions is extremely difficult. I hope that Ukraine will receive much more aid than it is receiving today and that European politicians will move from words to actions.

The February newsletter offers two quarterscale models in the plastic kits range, one present days machine and one from the immediately post war days and one reissue of the popular 1/72 model from the Second World War. Among the accessories you will find something for everyone, the interior set for the 1/35 AH-1G Cobra definitely deserves to be highlighted. It's been a long time since we've brought a helicopter set of this scale, and this set, combining resin cast, 3D-printed and etched parts, due to its quality, definitely deserves your attention. On the offer, you will also find another version of the Fordson WOT2 British vehicle. The first version of this model sold and still sells well and we believe that the 'Van Body' will follow in its footsteps.

For March, we are preparing interesting kits such as the 1/72 Tachikawa Ki-54 Hickory 'Captured and Post War Service', SH72493 P-40F/L Warhawk 'Desert Hawks with Merlin' and the reissued 1/72 model SH72201 Westland Whirlwind FB Mk.I Fighter - Bomber. In March, the 1/48 Humber LRC Mk.II resin model, which has unfortunately been postponed several times, will finally be realized. We look forward to your orders.

ht tp s://ww w.specialhobby.in fo/2024/02/news-from-special-hobby-022024.html

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