The players of KTS Enea Siarkopol Tarnobrzeg suffered a defeat in the first quarter-final match of the Champions League. Our team was defeated by ASD Quattro Mori.

A few days ago we wrote about our team's problems. Team leader Han Ying is excluded from the game due to a serious injury.
Unfortunately, this translated into the result of the defending champions in the first quarter-final match of the Champions League. Our team fought ambitiously, but unfortunately they lost to the Italian ASD Quattro Mori 2:3.機翻
#KTS Enea Siarkopol Tarnobrzeg#

On Friday evening, the second quarter-final match of the Champions League was played in Tarnobrzeg, between KTS Enea Siarkopol Tarnobrzeg and the Italian team ASD Quattro Mori. Our team treated the fans to a rollercoaster of emotions, but despite the weakened squad, it advanced to the semi-finals of the competition.

The first match between these teams was played on January 31. The Tarnobrzeg players, playing without their injured leader Han Ying, had to acknowledge the superiority of their rivals and lost 2:3.

On February 2, a rematch took place in the MOSiR hall. Fans who expected drama were not disappointed. Players from both teams treated the fans to a real thriller lasting over 3.5 hours. Overtime was necessary to determine the winner. In the "golden match", KTS was better and advanced to the semi-finals of the Champions League.

Fans of the KTS Enea Siarkopol Tarnobrzeg table tennis players have never seen such a match. A table tennis thriller full of twists, great tension and great gameplay, which required a "golden match" to decide. The war of nerves was won by Enea Siarkopol tennis players and they dedicated their promotion to the semi-finals of the Champions League to the great absentee - Han Ying

A fantastic show with a happy ending. Enea Siarkopol table tennis players dedicate their advancement to the semi-finals of the Champions League to Han Ying (photo report and video)

Just after the draw for the quarter-final pairs of the Champions League, it seemed that the road to the semi-finals would not be too bumpy for Enea Siarkopol. The defending champions faced the Italian team ASD Quattro Mori, making its debut in this competition. However, the misfortune that befell the leader of the Tarnobrzeg team, Han Ying, a serious injury to the Achilles tendon, changed the balance of power.
Additionally, the great performance of the Russian Elizabet Abramian in the colors of the Italian team in the first quarter-final match, won by ASD Quattro Mori 3-2, meant that the defending champions had to look for a way to defeat the Russian in the rematch. Coach Nęcek could not make any changes in the team, because Natalia Bajor, who is fighting for Olympic qualifications this season and did not play in any group match, cannot play in the play-off phase.

Yang Xiaoxin, Fu Yu and Elizabeta Samara again fought for the semi-finals. And just like two days earlier in Italy, coach Neck's players did not find a way to win against Elizabet Abramian. The Russian delivered two points to her team, defeating Samare 3-0 in the second game and Yang Xiaoxin 3-1 in the fourth game. After four games, the Tarnobrzeg tennis players also had two points, after in the first game the Chinese with a Monegasque passport defeated the Romanian Tatiana Plaian 3-0, and in the third game Fu Yu defeated the weakest link in the Italian team - Arianna Barani 3-1.

The fate of the match was decided by a tie break, in which two Romanians faced each other: Samara on the host side and Plaian on the away team. Samara emerged victorious from the fierce duel, winning 3:1 and sealing the victory for Enea Siarkopol 3:2.

With this result, the promotion to the semi-finals was decided by the "golden match", played in two sets won. Importantly, each set was played by a different player, so the fans once again had the opportunity to see all the heroines of the quarterfinal clash at the table. The positioning of individual tennis players was typical "tennis chess", because it was the coaches who selected the players to play in individual sets.

And so, in the first game, Samara went to Plain, which this time lost 8:11. The second set was crucial, because Abramian's possible victory over Yang Xiaoxin meant that the Italian team would advance to the best four of the Champions League. However, this did not happen, the incredibly motivated representative of Tarnobrzeg won against the previously undefeated Abramian 11:8 and the fate of promotion rested in the hands of Fu Yu. The Chinese woman with a Portuguese passport did not miss this chance, she won confidently against Barania 11:4 and the team from Tarnobrzeg can enjoy the victory.



2月3日 TES vs RA / IG vs TT / BLG vs EDG

2月4日 OMG vs NIP / JDG vs LNG / RNG vs WBG

2月5日 WE vs LGD / UP vs AL

2月6日 EDG vs FPX / LNG vs BLG

2月7日 IG vs RNG / WBG vs TES





2月3日 TES vs RA / IG vs TT / BLG vs EDG

2月4日 OMG vs NIP / JDG vs LNG / RNG vs WBG

2月5日 WE vs LGD / UP vs AL

2月6日 EDG vs FPX / LNG vs BLG

2月7日 IG vs RNG / WBG vs TES



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