【博肖短篇】ABO 傲娇天才设计师战✖️冷面桀骜影帝博
强强  破镜重圆 龙舌兰(O)✖️山茶花(A)
Chapter 4


“My radiant beam in the night”

“I don't need no light to see you”








Chapter 1 https://t.cn/A6j1MVuG
Chapter 2 https://t.cn/A6jBqar7
Chapter 3 https://t.cn/A6jkIJIF

#folkloric verses#

“Seven lang years I served for thee,
The glassy hill I clamb for thee,
The bluidy shirt I wrang for thee;
And wilt thou no wauken and turn to me?”

From The Black Bull of Norroway, collected by Andrew Lang in The Blue Fairy Book, ATU425A, search for a lost husband, animal as bridegroom

#徐愷kai[超话]#The birth of Yojii
One day, KAI and black sugar risked on the planet. They had no special purpose, that is, to search for secrets, jump into the sea, explore in the cluster forest, and come to a prairie higher than human beings.

The black sugar suddenly smelled something, starting with the soil ahead. In the excavated soil, KAI saw a wonderful gray stone head, each with sharp corners, and a pair of sleeping eyes, Yojii's debut.

At that time is magic time, orange color light line from the grass vaguely visible, KAI wants to climb on the tree to find light, try to light will wake up, climb a good can sit on the thick tree branch, black sugar constantly jump on the side of the tree to think up, KAI a handful of black sugar also pulled up the tree, at this time Youji opened up a little bit of orange light, eyes open, floating in front of KAI and black sugar to see it. The lucky ones sprinkled magic bright spots on their sides, in the direction of the sun, flying past the bright gold tail, KAl and black sugar in the tree. Look at the scene happily and contentedly.

KAI is a light connection to wake up, but it is because KAI has a partner's hand, so that you feel the heart of the energy and wake up.

The concept of Youjii came from. Last year I went to an I crystal shop where I needed to enter by default. After picking up the crystal, I picked up a black stone in the corner of the frame. I picked it up and saw the stone in the sharp corner of my body. The crystal sister said, "very few people will pick it up. It's called the Egyptian talkstone, and the Sirius stone. Your soul may respond to Sirius." "

I felt very comfortable and took it home, often carrying it with me to play and rejoice. Whether it gives me any energy or not, it reminds me to "all things", just as it is because of the sharp corners of the whole body, so that it can stand at all angles, as many different identities, constantly trying to try strange fields, I am encouraged. Therefore, when I thought about the brand of KAloneer, I turned it into a small monster, which I found together with my companions. It was both creative, humorous, and very personal, and the horn on my body was comfortable.

It's Yojii.

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