现在在等车呢 在去往我妈那里的途中、、hello my beautiful incredible amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful incredible amazing people on this ,,, so we are waiting for the bus to go to my mom’s right now ,,, too bad I caught a cold today but I’ll try my best to repost party with y’all once we are over ,,, love and miss everyone very much ,,, updating at the bus station,,, love love love my incredible amazing boss / bosses and love everyone

我又休息了一会儿 感冒还没太好 现在雨停了 今天可能还会回我妈那边儿~~ hello my beautiful sweet amazing fantastic boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing fantastic people on this ,,,, I rested a little more and my cold still doesn’t feel too good yet but I might try to see what I can do now ,,, going to check on some news ,,, and we might actually be going back to my mom’s today cause the rain stopped so I’ll talk to y’all more once we are over too but right now I’m going to try to talk to you guys a little to see wheee we land okayyy ,,, not feeling my best today so don’t drill me too hard but will try to lightly repost and then get going to go to my mom’s ,,, my mom went to get groceries and we are leaving once she comes back ,,, but yahhh I’m on now checking on the news and then start with some repost as promised yassssssss okayyyyy see all my loves in a lil bit love love loveeeee y’all so so much hope everyday stays healthy stays well for this new year heart heart heart

我昨天夜里又感冒了 今天不太舒服 然后今天也下雨了 所以不知道今天会不会回去我妈那边呢 也许是明天回去~~ hello my beautiful incredible amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful incredible amazing people on this ,,, I caught a cold last night so I’m not feeling too well right now and also it’s raining today so I’m not sure if we are heading back to my mom’s place today or tmr when it stops ,,, I’m going to rest some more cause I’m seriously not feeling too well from the cold but just need to check in with y’all earlier today cause I know all are waiting ,,, ughhh why do I get sick so easily my immune is horrible that’s why I neçed to sleep earlier to get my health better ,,,, okayy need some more rest ,,, thank you afll for your patience and kindness from my online lovers and friends ,,, I’ll see y’all again in a lil bit after more rest grrrrrr love and miss y’all so so much all my loves ,,,, I hope I will feel better soon grrrr grrrrrrr knocking out again ,,,, ohhh they are doing room cleaning right now so I need to take the dog out while I’m sick grrrrrrrr …: okayyyy see y’all guys in a lil bit need some more rest love love love my beautiful incredible boss / bosses and love everyone

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  • 《信仰》席慕容我相信 爱的本质一如生命的单纯与温柔我相信 所有的光与影的反射和相投我相信 满树的花朵只源於冰雪中的一粒种子我相信 三百篇诗反复述说著的 也就只是
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  • 比如用中文说,这个东西是假的和这是人很假,这两个假字表达的意思完全不一样,但我们并不需要查字典去看最准确的意思,掌握最核心的意思我们就能根据不同的情景来自主的判
  • 冰妹:报告老师,沈清秋他抄作业。!
  • 烟己与我结下了近二十年的不解之缘,它感受过我的烦恼,忧郁,孤独;体会过我的焦躁,愤恨,冲动;也享受过我成功,胜利,平安的喜悦,它是我的好帮手,也是好智囊,更是灭
  • 大学生不是百科全书,我们在学校也不学做饭养生,谁说女孩子一定要会做饭。!
  • #郑州天气[超话]#2020年2月3日,庚子年正月初十,星期一.郑州今天白天到夜里晴间多云,东北风转偏南风2到3级,温度10到零下2度.明天多云,11到零下1度
  • 在这部电视剧中,你会忘记她是善良灵动率性单纯的周莹,你更会忘记她是坚定果敢善于权谋的甄繯,你只知道她是对工作较劲容不得一丝糊弄的店长房似锦,会深深沉浸在她所诠释
  • 经民警调查,结合双方当事人笔录及嫌疑人杨某某的供述,并通过提取当事人宋某某手机内录象和司机杨某某车内的行车记录仪记录的情况,现已查明“2019年3月19日10时
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  • 在生活中不断丰富充实自我赚钱的机会很多就是对养生保养情有独钟不断提高自己的专业 用专业去选择和分享这就是我的初心和永远 今天听樊登解释为什么员工总是因为&quo
  • 才上了六个月的班绕了我六个月的“丧”2019的愿望还没实现2020也不敢再有什么期许以为能按部就班的过一轮三年又被告知17号开始跨高一高二授课外加后勤的工作承认
  • 传说中凤凰的原型,手机只照出了它十分之一的美,寓意吉祥,希望所有看到的朋友,未来都能逢凶化吉,遇难成祥,年年岁岁有今朝!)武汉加油!
  • “扶贫产业要为贫困群众增收脱贫、逐步致富提供长期稳定的支撑。苍溪县还整合资源,在贫困村统一开发3个以上农村保洁、养老护理、森林防火、道路维护等公益性岗位,安置无
  • 还不是乖乖帮忙弄掉啦~[害羞]“什么狗屁专属护士?[憧憬]“我可不会帮你弄掉哦”啧啧啧谁信咧?
  • 后来觉得我有进步的事情是大考核排剧那次,我觉得那次我做的特别好,剧本的主题立意的完善,一些细节的设计,还有在上剧之前主动去带大家顺了一遍道具和灯光的安排(这是跟
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  • 这就算了,我当时真的是克制住了自己的脾气,想着退就退一步吧,还在线上班级群对他连说了几句对不起,因为当时怕因为这个影响到他和我室友的暧昧感情。说实话我真的觉得那
  • 愿你天天开心,生日快乐,成年快乐,在成人的世界里享受美好。我还会剪视频!
  • 当时你和他感情正好,我没说什么,但现在你们已经分开很久了,我可以说他“坏话”了:因为篮球场地这种小事,和别人吵架,说明他脾气爆;提前几天约好的吃饭,因为心情原因