猎豹,美丽而野性,敏捷矫健像一阵疾风,a particular kind of wind.「以断舍离的精神,换取流线型的肌肉线条,那一套为速度而生的身体。具有悲剧性的,追求极致的动物。」
It changes everything in its path
It has drops of tears streaking down its face
It shape-shifts like an apparition in a storm
Confusing, disappearing, causing bewilderment
Until it does materialize
Tear streaked hunters create tension across the plains
Hunters that strike apocalyptic figures with a certain look, a poise, a certain way……

终于看完了Gatsby 和电影相比书本的描写确实更加细腻。Gatsby被枪杀 葬礼空无一人的原因细节描写和Tom Daisy事情发生后马上搬家有更深的感触。
关于Gatsby 心中的”green light “.电影里Gatsby在被枪杀前还是坚信Daisy会给他来电,至少在死前最后一刻对心中的爱也是抱有希望的 书中的描述“I have an idea that Gatsby himself didn’t believe it would come”确实给我沉重一击 “He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it.”
关于”Nobody came” Nick想寻找Gatsby 生前的好友参加他的葬礼 最后却只有”the man with owl-eyed glasses whom I had found marvelling over Gatsby’s books in the library “意外的出现在葬礼上 。Gatsby 根本没有交心的朋友,在故事背景的美国一切都是以利益为基础,Gatsby 对人们来说已经毫无利用价值,无论生前他做出怎样的生意,举办怎样的派对。

#海洋研究进展##科研动态# 印度理工学院(布巴内斯瓦尔)等最新研究:利用ROMS-NPZD研究孟加拉湾西部边界流地区中尺度涡流的三维特征,发表在Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans (Three-dimensional Characteristics of Mesoscale Eddies in the Western Boundary Current Region of the Bay of Bengal using ROMS-NPZD https://t.cn/A6lIrvH8 )
Eddies play an important role in transporting and redistributing the heat, salt, and biological parameters in the global ocean. In this study, three-dimensional physio-biochemical characteristics of an anticyclonic (AE) and a cyclonic eddy (CE) associated with the poleward western boundary current (WBC) in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) are analyzed using a coupled bio-physical ocean model (ROMS-NPZD). Due to eddy-induced upwelling (downwelling) associated with the CE (AE), monopole patterns of temperature and salinity anomaly around the eddy center are occurred with extremum values at 100 – 150 m and 50 – 100 m depth, respectively. The upward (downward) curvature with a tip at eddy centers is observed in the isothermal layer depth, 23℃ isotherm (℃) nutricline, and oxycline. The depth of ℃ deepens and shallows at the center from the edge by ~60 m and ~40 m for AE and CE, respectively. A relatively thick barrier layer around the center of AE is noted as compared to the CE. Within eddy interior, temperature and salinity tendencies of horizontal advection show a strong dipole pattern with extremum at eddy edges. The AE currents show positive tendencies in horizontal advection of temperature (salinity) at its northeastern (southwestern) side, which is totally opposite to that of CE. Intense horizontal advections in the adjacent flanks of eddies to the eastward jet of the WBC are due to their strong interactions. Vertical advection shows a quadrupole structure with alternating positive and negative cells within the eddies following the distorted vertical velocity field. Diffusion terms within eddies are quite small compared to the advection. Abundances of chlorophyll-a (~1.2 mg/m3) at the base of the mixed layer around the CE center are absent for the AE.

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