Yesterday 22:48
What is the pattern
Five grain night never scold Su Tai, Maotai is not
Say five grain night, both sides become the world famous wine!
At the 206 BMW Centennial Celebration, Mercedes sent
Congratulations, wrote: Thank you for 10 years of competition, not have your D years actually feel very boring thank BMW let us know what is the growth and pursuit!
To be a tree, do not contend with grass, the general has a sword
No chopping flies. The strong hold each other, the weak tear each other. people
Live, send their own light is good, why blow out the lights of others! Small shake number: x13676475807
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Yesterday 22:48
What is the pattern
Five grain night never scold Su Tai, Maotai is not
Say five grain night, both sides become the world famous wine!
At the 206 BMW Centennial Celebration, Mercedes sent
Congratulations, wrote: Thank you for 10 years of competition, not have your D years actually feel very boring thank BMW let us know what is the growth and pursuit!
To be a tree, do not contend with grass, the general has a sword
No chopping flies. The strong hold each other, the weak tear each other. people
Live, send their own light is good, why blow out the lights of others! Small shake number: x13676475807
( Like L Comment
Details > https://t.cn/R2Wx0sd

Hi my friends, how are you? Sorry for taking so long to get back to
posting here on weibo. Unfortunately for me, who I'm a foreigner,
it is very difficult to use this social network, because of the
language barrier, even if I used the translation app, it came out wrong words,
and also because every time I access weibo I have to change the
password for security reasons. So because of that I use it so few times,
almost once a year. But I still love 呂方 and 孟海 very much. To compensate for the delay, I'll post a lot of pictures and maybe videos.

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