【小瑶9分雅思口语• Part III• 高分范例】
Part 3:Do people like comedy?
Yes, I think so. People from all walks of life enjoy watching comedy films for entertainment. Since life could easily wear us out and break us down, laughing from time to time can help us stay happy and positive(保持乐观). After a long tiring day of work or study, facing different types of people, and everyday traffic, we deserve a break(我们值得放松一下)and laugh a little. Comic films are perfect if we need to calm down and loosen up for a while. It’s more than just a pleasant way to end a day.
▲all walks of life phr.各行各业
▲entertainment n.娱乐
▲wear (someone) out v. 让某人筋疲力尽
▲break is down v. 击垮我们;让我们崩溃
▲loosen up v.放松
#雅思# #决战雅思#

Still, having multiple rivals would help Trump, as it did in 2016, since the winner-take-all nature of most Republican primaries allows a candidate with a mere plurality of votes to build up big delegate leads in a crowded field.
In other words, if Trump can split the opposition, he can win the primary, but that’s no guarantee for the general election given that the twice-impeached former president left Washington in disgrace after trying to steal an election and fomenting a mob attack on the US Capitol.

Mongolian freestyle wrestlers 自由式摔跤won four gold medals

At the Ivan Yarygin International Tournament, Mongolia was represented by more than 60 wrestlers, including gold and silver medalists of the World Championships

Mongolian freestyle wrestlers won a total of 11 medals, including four gold, four silver and three bronze medals of the international tournament named after two-time Olympic champion, world and European champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR Ivan Yarygin, which was held from January 26 to 28.

Mongolia was represented by more than 60 wrestlers, including gold and silver medalists of the World Championships. This tournament, which has been held annually since 1991, was fought by Tserenchimed and the gold medalist of the World Championships, Honored Athlete P. Orkhon.

In the category up to 61 kg among men freestyle master of sports of international class and bronze medalist of the World Championships T. Tuvshintulga proved that he is a contender for victory by winning a silver medal of the tournament.

Silver medalist of the World Championships, master of sports of international class E. Sumiya won a gold medal in the women's category up to 57 kg, while the athlete of the national team B. Hongorzul also received a gold medal in the women's category up to 62 kg.

In weight categories up to 65 kg and 72 kg among women master of sports of international class E. Davaachimeg and Honored Sportswoman of O. Burmaa claimed gold medals. In particular, O. Burmaa won silver medals in 2008, 2013 and 2020 and bronze medals in 2016. For the first time in nine years, she became the champion冠军 of Ivan Yarygin in 2023.

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