TABASCO辣椒酱,关键原料塔巴斯科变种小米辣椒(Capsicum frutescens var. Tabasco)为一种起源于墨西哥的辣椒品种。
The 154-year-old brand behind Tabasco wants you to put its hot sauce on more than your eggs and avocado toast.
Tabasco Brand is releasing a bottled dressing. It’s also the first time the brand, which is based in southeast Louisiana’s Cajun country, has tapped into social media for a new product.
Christina Najjar, better known as Tinx, a TikTok star with more than 1.5 million followers is on a “mission to normalize hot sauce as dressing.

Tiffany & Co. Presents Its Upcoming Nike Air Force 1 Low
Alongside a complementary sterling silver accessories collection.

The launch of this much-anticipated collaboration between Tiffany & Co. and Nike is scheduled to release on March 7. Look for the Air Force 1s to be available via Nike’s SNKRS app, the Tiffany Flagship Next Door, Tiffany & Co. SoHo and select Nike retailers worldwide. Priced at $400 USD, the shoe will feature a complete size range from a US 3.5M to a US 18M. As for its accompanying sterling silver accessories, prices range between $250 USD and $475 USD with the collection to be available via Tiffany.com in the United States.

Tobacco, Western Education, and the Japanese Army: Globalization in a Northern County in China, 1900–1950
作者:Gao Ruchen
导师:Wang Liping; Waltner Ann
毕业院校:明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)历史系

My dissertation explores the relationships between state, local elites, and foreign powers in a northern county Xuchang of Henan Province during the early twentieth century. I selected three case studies and examine each case in each of my chapters. The first chapter focuses on the arrival of the British American Tobacco Company in Xuchang and its efforts to promoting a new cash crop—the bright leaf tobacco. The boom of husbanding the bright leaf tobacco in Xuchang and its nearby counties led to a series of social transformations of Xuchang, such as the urban landscape of the Xuchang county seat being remapped, the formation of a new rich group: owners of tobacco collecting agencies. With a growing body of Xuchang residents who could afford western-style education, some cultural elites in Xuchang were able to establish and maintain private western-style middle schools and high schools from the 1930s to 1940s, which I explore in my second chapter. These cultural elites overcame various hurdles, such as banditry, warfare, and lack of adequate government funding to develop these schools. As they facilitated the spread of western style education in Xuchang, these cultural elites also reinforced their social and cultural capital. The third chapter explores why Xuchang was devastated more than other counties in Henan during the 1942 famine. As the Chinese Nationalist government prioritized military survival and marginalized the livelihoods of Henan people, the social-political power of the Xuchang elites was weakened. They were unable to reduce the government grain procurement or effectively relieve the famine, could only sue the corrupt Xuchang officials whose embezzlement exacerbated the famine fatalities.


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