[Internet Morning Post]星期四, 1月10日1。小米跌了6。87%,The stock price hit a new low since its listing 2。Huawei Liang Hua: will strengthen its strategic layout in Chongqing,Speed up the implementation of government cloud and other projects 3。Microsoft officially announced the abandonment of Win10Mobile: end of support in December this year 3。Trustdata201 December 2018 mobile Internet rankings: WeChat monthly active ranked first 4。Dong Mingzhu responded that Gree gave its employees a salary increase of 1 billion: did not feel the trouble of the economic downturn 5,The report shows that the size of China's M&A market reached US$433 billion in 20186。Zhang Xiaolong responded to WeChat 7.0 "The interface becomes ugly": Products need to adapt to the times 7.Alipay released the latest data: the number of global users has exceeded 1 billion[my master said]the meaning and value of work,Closely related to the meaning and value of our lives,Everyone's life value is created through his own work.If you regard work as the opposite,事实上, it is denying and weakening one's life value,People live very tasteless and fun.

OK,Let me make a brief summary .
August has pasted .
In the August , I did regular reading,regular exercises ,and kept in regular positive mood
.The most vital thing ,I am successfully admitted to “天津城建大學” . In spite of the long distance between My Miss.Angel and me ,it is still a great result . And it will be a begining . Welcome the College Life in the future .

——Since 1st.Sep.2020

「the Mars」 https://t.cn/ROPHTLQ

Minnesota 1976年開始每次總統選舉都投民主黨,2016年都投Hillary。但現在Trump忽然追上,民調顯示仍然是Biden領先,但差距收窄。

An unlikely state tightens up
The president is fixated on winning Minnesota this year after nearly capturing it in 2016


“Public surveys and internal polling by Democrats and Republicans alike in recent weeks has suggested the race is narrowing, though with Biden still ahead. In a sign of its increasingly competitive nature, Biden today will begin airing his first television ads in the state, in the Twin Cities as well as Duluth and Rochester markets. And last week, Biden included Minnesota in a list of battleground states he said he wants to visit — travel that suggests the state is far from a lock.

“It’s tightening up,” said Ken Martin, chairman of Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. “But I wouldn’t trade our position with theirs in a million years.”

In the run-up to the 2016 election, Minnesota seemed like a stretch for Trump. No Republican had carried the state since Richard Nixon in 1972, and Trump made minimal effort there. Even so, Trump came close to victory, carrying 78 of Minnesota’s 87 counties and losing the state by fewer than 45,000 votes.”

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