生活小感悟: 去上班看到蔚蓝的天空心情倍棒,下班时回到家的天空是明媚的,几时飞过的鸽子告诉你下班啦[太开心][太开心][太开心]夜读的时光平静而又充实(PS自从认识可爱的小伙伴,爱读书孩纸,争取今年读完你的书架哦!)

NEWS 夏天到了大家都知道后海是非常适合避暑的 对 ⚡️避暑⚡️重要的是 我们有一套舒适的一房一厅日租 月租 离后海(海棠湾附近)沙滩只有50米远 非常适合小度假的家庭 或者来玩耍的小伙伴们 屋顶有着无敌海景 烧烤聚会无敌棒 欢迎咨询啦……
Sunset watching, Surfing, Snorkeling, Sipping wine at the bay in the evening, Swimming in the sea or just relax at the beach !!!! It's SSSSSSSSummer Time ! If you want escape the city heat and enjoy outdoor activities (Surf Lessons, Rentals, Hiking track, and more... ) in a vibrant and unique sea side Chinese Fisher village, it has it all. [newly decorated apartments for rent - weekly and monthly discounts]. Contact us.
Cosy and newly decorated One Bedroom apartment located 50 meters from Houhai bay beach with premium Hill views. Perfect for couple (Extra person or kid could sleep in the living-room sofa-bed. MAXIMUM 3 people). Roof terrace accessible on the top of the building.

NEWS 夏天到了大家都知道后海是非常适合避暑的 对 ⚡️避暑⚡️重要的是 我们有一套舒适的一房一厅日租 月租 离后海(海棠湾附近)沙滩只有50米远 非常适合小度假的家庭 或者来玩耍的小伙伴们 屋顶有着无敌海景 烧烤聚会无敌棒 欢迎咨询啦……
Sunset watching, Surfing, Snorkeling, Sipping wine at the bay in the evening, Swimming in the sea or just relax at the beach !!!! It's SSSSSSSSummer Time ! If you want escape the city heat and enjoy outdoor activities (Surf Lessons, Rentals, Hiking track, and more... ) in a vibrant and unique sea side Chinese Fisher village, it has it all. [newly decorated apartments for rent - weekly and monthly discounts]. Contact us.
Cosy and newly decorated One Bedroom apartment located 50 meters from Houhai bay beach with premium Hill views. Perfect for couple (Extra person or kid could sleep in the living-room sofa-bed. MAXIMUM 3 people). Roof terrace accessible on the top of the building.

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