
I closed the curtains around the bed,and felt safe from Heathcliff and everyone else at Wuthering Heights.


My eyes were beginning to close again and I fell asleep.Never before had I passed such a terrible night,disturbed by the most frightening dreams.

The stranger I know

A few months ago I had the opportunity to enter the home of a couple that I did not know. A couple that is not on this world anymore, two people I never met. Standing in their home, without their own permission, surrounded by their personal objects, I had such a paradoxical feeling.

I felt guilty but I was curious at the same time. I was sorrowful but also excited. I was thinking a lot about: Is it possible to get to know people, at least a little bit, through their personal objects, through the traces they leave behind themselves? What can objects, and the way they are left, tell about their owners?

This series is dedicated to the memory of the couple who lived in this home, and is an experiment to connect with people through their personal objects.

—Marietta Varga 摄影作品《The stranger I know》

The stranger I know

A few months ago I had the opportunity to enter the home of a couple that I did not know. A couple that is not on this world anymore, two people I never met. Standing in their home, without their own permission, surrounded by their personal objects, I had such a paradoxical feeling.
I felt guilty but I was curious at the same time. I was sorrowful but also excited. I was thinking a lot about: Is it possible to get to know people, at least a little bit, through their personal objects, through the traces they leave behind themselves? What can objects, and the way they are left, tell about their owners?

This series is dedicated to the memory of the couple who lived in this home, and is an experiment to connect with people through their personal objects.

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