历史悠久的卡纳塔克邦小城市古尔巴加(现称坎那布拉吉)遍布源自13至15世纪的文化遗产,反映了昔日中世纪巴哈马尼亚王国统治者(1347-1526)的建筑实力。城市以宏伟壮观的古尔巴加堡(Gulbarga Fort)为中心并拥有该州最古老的清真寺——骏马清真寺(Jumma Masjid)。据说古尔巴加的名字来自波斯语“gul”和“berg”,意思为花和叶子。14世纪初,古尔巴加成为了德里苏丹国的一部分,并被穆罕默德·本·图格拉克(Mohammed bin Tughlaq)统治。直到他去世,古尔巴加仍属于德里苏丹国,后来被巴哈马尼王国统治。在1347年至1428年的鼎盛时期,该城市是巴哈马尼统治者的首都。在17世纪,莫卧儿皇帝奥朗则布(Aurangzeb)入侵古尔巴加并将其纳入莫卧儿帝国,后来在18世纪被海德拉巴昔日的统治者所征服。古尔巴加距离班加罗尔约和海德拉巴各620公里和220公里。每年在哈瓦纳瓦斯邦德(Khwaja Bande Nawaz)的坟墓均会举行乌尔斯节纪念活动,以纪念受人尊敬的苏非圣徒的忌日。距离城市40公里的耆那教寺庙位于杰瓦尔吉(Jevargi)的彼玛河畔(Bhima),而克利须那河(Krishna)的加拉度伽瀑布(Jaladurga Falls)则距离城市120公里。
Rooted in history, the small city of Gulbarga, now known as Kalaburagi, in Karnataka, is speckled with monuments that date from the 13th to the 15th centuries and reflect the architectural prowess of the rulers of the erstwhile medieval Bahamani kingdom (1347-1526). Holding the grand Gulbarga Fort at its heart, the city also boasts the oldest mosque of the state, Jumma Masjid, which sits within the fort. It is said that Gulbarga draws its name from Persian words 'gul', which means flower and 'berg' which means leaf.
In the early 14th century, Gulbarga became a part of the Delhi Sultanate and was taken over by Mohammed bin Tughlaq. Till his death, Gulbarga remained with the Delhi Sultanate and then was taken over by the Bahamani kingdom. In its heydays, the city served as the capital of the Bahamani rulers between 1347 and 1428. In the 17th century, Mughal emperor Aurangzeb annexed and inducted it into the Mughal empire, from where it went into the hands of the erstwhile rulers of Hyderabad in the 18th century.
Located around 620 km from Bengaluru and 220 km from Hyderabad, it is at Gulbarga that the annual Urs Festival is held at the tomb of Khwaja Bande Nawaz to commemorate the revered Sufi saint's death anniversary. Around 40 km from the city lie Jain temples on the banks of River Bhima in Jevargi, while the Jaladurga Falls on River Krishna is situated around 120 km away.

#Did you know#

赫奇帕奇公共休息室位于霍格沃茨厨房附近。 如果想要进入,学生必须根据“Helga Hufflepuff”的节奏轻敲一个桶(桶在从底向上数的第二排的中间)。

The Hufflepuff common room is found near the Hogwarts kitchens. To gain access, students have to tap a barrel (two from the bottom, middle of the second row) to the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff.

#哈利波特# #哈利波特[超话]# #哈迷有求必应屋# #harrypotter[超话]#






Battle Typhoon
The wind suddenly blows.The fishing boats came in, the armed forces were on standby, and supplies were piling up.
The sky turns, the rain pours, the waves siphon.The buildings swayed, the trees fell, and the noise came from everywhere.The city is like a lonely boat, although the person is an ant, stubborn in the stream beat oats.
The wind is blowing, the Earth is quiet, the Glittering Days is shining. The sound of the flute and the voices of the people, it turns out that the disaster is urgent. The night was dark and a light rain was falling.

War plum
Yesterday Storm Thunder Roar, plum hit like an order;
The cadres on the front line gathered and went all out to risk their lives.
Small building a night to listen to the autumn rain, deep lane Ming dynasty apricot flowers fall;
Be prepared for security, and be most responsible for your gratitude.

Year of the tiger in the lunar calendar
The 14th of the month
Quarter to midnight
Evening business 15th essay
Cangcheng a water, Lide Island

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