Success can be bought but there’s still something you just cannot buy from supporters in the past 19 months and 19 years.
Never ever felt so detached with the club when I heard the news. His career at Chelsea came to an end for sure following the departure of Marina and Petr, when his magic on tactics disappeared. But the way of being sacked was really really awful, for which I still feel hurt a lot. Shouldn’t have been like this.
Thank you for everything and take care. This is a final farewell to the Roman era I think.

Self-care journal

I find it fascinating how we focus so much on the end of romantic relationships + so little on the end of friendships

Just like romantic relationships, friendships can sometimes no longer be compatible

Unlike romantic relationships, there’s a societal expectation that we stay in friendships throughout life

Many of us hold onto friendships even if something feels “off” or if we no longer share a connection because we’ve had history together

This is when resentment can creep in because we’re keeping the relationships going from a space of obligation ‍

Friendships change just like we do + this is no one’s fault. It’s a natural part of the human experience

Sometimes, friendships end so we can create space for more aligned connections with people who share our values ❤️

翻看以前的照片到底 发现我一张都没删
以前都是速速划过 今天认真看了一下每一张照片
时间过的真快呀 白驹过隙
承诺给自己的东西在慢慢兑现 我看着自己在大半年的时间里重新去认识自己
There is no love; there are only proofs of love.
我好像没有认真地告别 却已经在心里说了无数次再见

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