平静海面女神伽拉蒂亚戒指,罗马,1世纪 #Archaeology# #AncientArt#
A Magnificent Roman Cornelian Intaglio with the nymph Galatea, goddess of calm seas. 1st century A.D.
Dimensions: W: 2.25 cm; D: 2.8 cm.
Text & provenance: Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva.
Note: This Roman gold ring radiates of the Hellenistic gemstone tradition. The ovoid red cornelian gemstone is finely engraved with a delicate female bust in profile, with curly long hair, whose locks fall onto her shoulders. The structure of her hairstyle is attested and well illustrated in the nymph Galatea, goddess of calm seas.
Galatea (or Galateia) was one of the daughters of Nereus and Doris. (Hom. Il. xviii. 45; Hes. Theog. 251.). Acis was beloved by the nymph Galatea, and Polyphemus the Cyclops, jealous of him, crushed him under a boulder. His blood gushing from under the rock was changed by the nymph into the river Acis at the foot of mount Aetna.
The gemstone is fitted in an 18th century golden bezel held up by two beautiful mermaids. https://t.cn/A6a8ipbY

We’re thrilled to announce a very special one off show with live orchestra, on the eve of 5SOS5 at the Royal Albert Hall in London this September 22nd. We will be playing a bunch of first play tracks from our new album and maybe some classics as well! General on sale begins July 22nd at 10am BST. Pre-order the album by July 19th at 6pm BST for the opportunity to get early access to tickets on July 20th at 10am BST. Lots of love always, 5SOS x

Eligible territories: UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Norway

卡姆拉撒格卡拉寺,也被称为Kasba Kali Bari,神庙坐落在一个小山丘上,俯瞰着一片叫做Kamala Sagar的宽阔水域。这里供奉着由砂岩制成的女神时母(Mahishasurmardini)的神像,还有传奇难近母女神杜尔迦(Dasabhuja Durga)脚下的颤抖。来自全国各地和诸如孟加拉国等周边国家的数千名朝圣者会在节日期间前往神庙。Kamalasagar湖和神庙给当地的风光添彩增色,使其成为休闲度假的理想之地。这座神庙由Manikya王朝的土邦主Dhanya Manikya于15世纪开始建造,最终由当地统治者在17世纪完成,距离阿加尔塔拉约27公里。
Kamlasagar Kali Temple
Kamlasagar Kali Temple, also known as Kasba Kali Bari, is situated on a hillock overseeing a wide pool of water called Kamala Sagar. The idol of Mahishasurmardini (Goddess Kali) made of sandstone has been consecrated here. Another interesting facet of this temple is the shivling at the feet of Goddess Dasabhuja Durga. Thousands of pilgrims from different parts of the country and neighbouring countries like Bangladesh visit this temple during various festivals. Kamalasagar Lake, alongside the temple enhances the beauty of the place, making it the perfect spot for relaxing and spending some family time. The temple was built by Maharaja Dhanya Manikya of the Manikya dynasty in the 15th century and was finally completed in the 17th century by local rulers. It is about 27 km from Agartala.

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