在ECS S8 FINALs和ESL PRO League S10 Finals结束后,我们希望可以给队员们一个休息的时间。以此来迎接我们2020年的其他比赛。
Always Fnatic!

Now I understanded why people alway say that there is nothing better than school time. Only in here, you can enjoy every single amazing moments with your friends with no doubt, do the most crazy thing in life with their supports and be yourself.

Sometimes I just want to way back into the year - two time, to re celebrate with them everyday.

Just hope that no matter what happens, you guys will have much of love, fun and peace like this.

For all of us ❤

I almost didn’t sleep last night.
Maybe I have already calm down.
Yes, we finally have a talk...emmm in embarassing English [允悲]
And we finally got a contact again.
After so many things,so many thought, I finally become clear never than ever before.
He cried,he shouted last night. I was frightened. We become cold and apart.
He said he likes [大侦探皮卡丘微笑], I don’t know if that is true[允悲]
Of course we cant go back to the old times, we have hurt each other.
I don’t blame him,but I can’t forgive that,neither for him.
I don’t understand,how can he say something like that ⌚️ to me,to his ever friend???☹️
Even if we go back together, I can alway recall that dirty-describing word... that day he left me in the wind when I needed him most.
He is still my friend,always and forever,for he really comforted me when I was in the deep depression of ZGH.
And I will always love him,outlying for lovers,just for his depression and the help he gave me,for brother,for only friend.
To brother,
If there were oneday you could think of me,just remember my good things and I will always be with you of the longest distance.
If there were oneday you could think of me, I will do my best to help.
That’s the only thing I can give back.
Thank you,brother[心]
And goodbye I have nothing to say.

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