【China's digital economy more than quadruples in past decade】
China's digital economy logged rapid expansion in recent years, with its scale increasing from 11 trillion yuan ($1.65 trillion) in 2012 to over 45 trillion yuan in 2021, official data showed.

The proportion of the digital economy in China's GDP rose from 21.6 percent to 39.8 percent in the period, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

China has sped up digital infrastructure construction. By the end of May, the country had built the world's largest and technologically advanced network facilities, covering prefecture-level cities with fiber-optic networks and having 1.7 million 5G base stations.

The country has also accelerated the integration of big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with such sectors as energy, medical care, transportation, education and agriculture.

In 2021, the value-added output of major electronic information manufacturers rose 15.7 percent year-on-year, hitting a record high in a decade, while the revenues of software and information technology services as well as internet and related services also registered double-digit growth, said the ministry.

方丈微语 | 住持佛法 续佛慧命


Upholding the Dharma and continuing the wisdom of the Buddha

The Sangha can uphold the Dharma and continue the wisdom of the Buddha, so that the Dharma can be passed on in the world for a long time. In terms of the image of Buddhist monks or nuns, it can bring hope to people in the burning house of the triple realm and the sea of suffering through birth and death. As the Avatamsaka Sutra says, "If seeing Sramanas, [reflect that] ‘may sentient beings, be harmoniously gentle and tranquil, ultimately [accomplish the] foremost.’". Therefore, the Sangha is categorized into "Three Jewels" together with "the Buddha and Dharma", and its status can be said to be supreme.

#佛教[超话]# #厦门·南普陀寺[地点]#

A gunman opened fire in a Copenhagen shopping centre, one of the largest of its kind in Scandinavia, killing several people and wounding a number of others on Sunday, police said. The suspected gunman, who is in custody, is a 22-year-old Danish man who was detained near the Fields shopping centre on the southern outskirts of the capital, said police inspector Soren Thomassen, head of the Copenhagen police operations unit. “We know that there are several dead” and “several injured,” Mr Thomassen told a news conference, adding that terror cannot be ruled out.

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  • 身心也被这种周而复始禁锢着 压得呼吸也不能自己......夜空灰蒙蒙的,一颗星也没有,是否,太阳也不愿意照亮着物是人非的星际?迷雾在我眼前化开,迎接我的是希望的
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  • ⋆ ⠈﹡找到你是我最伟大的成功ིྀ | w̆̈ă̈n̆̈ă̈n̆̈ˁ῁̭ˀˁ῁̮ˀˁ῁̱ˀˁ῁̥ˀˁ῁̼ˀˁ῁ˀˁ῁̬ˀ给你我全部我的温柔 sᴍɪʟᴇ
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