¡Súper emocionada y gracias!
El dueño del hotel que conocí cuando estaba en Perú hace unos años le había pedido a alguien que me trajera mi favorita INCA KOLA.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva - before and after surgery!

Squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva is the end-stage of a spectrum of disease referred to as ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). OSSN is a malignant disease of the eyes that can lead to loss of vision and, in severe cases, death. The main risk factors for both are exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation outdoors, HIV/AIDS, human papilloma virus and allergic conjunctivitis. The limbal epithelial cells appear to be the progenitorsof this disease.

OSSN is an important ophthalmic public health problem in equatorial Africa, where there are both high levels of UV radiation and a high incidence of HIV/AIDS. Africa has the highest incidence of OSSN in the world, affecting about 1.3 people per 100,000 population per year.

This disease has a variable appearance. Red eye, photophobia, irritation, foreign body sensation and a white, painless, progressive growth on the surface of the eye are common presenting symptoms. Most lesions occur in the interpalpebral fissure, especially on the nasal side. They involve the conjunctiva and may extend onto the peripheral cornea, so visual acuity is often normal in the early stages. It usually only involves one eye. The surface may be gelatinous, papillomatous or fibro-vascular. There is usually inflammation, leukoplakia and markedly dilated blood vessels, referred to as feeder vessels. Some brown to black pigmentation of the lesion is common in African population groups. Most lesions are about 7 mm wide at presentation but late presentation with large orbital tumours are not uncommon.

Brussels wants the region’s automakers to cut carbon emissions from cars by 100 per cent from their 2021 levels, a mandate that would make it impossible to sell new petrol or diesel vehicles from 2035. The move would force the German car industry to accelerate its electrification plans, and lobbyists have warned it could lead to the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the sector.

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