Paraesophageal hernia occurs when the lower part of the esophagus, the stomach, or other organs move up into the chest.

The hiatus is an opening in the diaphragm (a muscle separating the chest from the abdomen) through which organs pass from the chest into the abdomen. The lower part of the esophagus and the stomach normally reside in the abdomen, just under the diaphragm. The gastroesophageal(GE) junction is the area where the esophagus connects with the stomach and is usually located 1 to 2 inches below the diaphragm. A hiatal or paraesophageal hernia occurs when the GE junction, the stomach, or other abdominal organs such as the small intestine, colon, or spleen move up into the chest where they do not belong. There are several types of paraesophageal hernias. Type I is a hiatal hernia or sliding hernia, in which the GE junction moves above the diaphragm, leaving the stomach in the abdomen; this represents 95% of all paraesophageal hernias. Types II, III, and IV occur when part or all of the stomach and sometimes other organs move up into the chest.

Common Symptoms of Paraesophageal Hernia
More than half of the population has a hiatal or paraesophageal hernia. However, most people are symptom free. Hiatal hernias and paraesophageal hernias may cause symptoms such as reflux and heartburn; nausea, burping, and vomiting; regurgitation of food; unexplained upper abdominal or chest pain; a sense of fullness after eating; bloating; shortness of breath or coughing; or a sense of food getting stuck in the chest.

Treatment of paraesophageal hernias depends on the type of hernia and severity of symptoms. Type I hiatal hernias are typically managed with medications for reflux and do not require other treatment. Type II and III hernias may require surgery if they become symptomatic. In type IV hernias, when organs such as the small bowel, colon, or pancreas are trapped in the chest, surgery is often necessary.

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Jo Malone聖誕限量版2019

English Pear & Freesia Cologne/100ml
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Rose & Magnolia Colon/100ml
Jo Malone更推出限定聖誕香味玫瑰與木蘭花(Rose & Magnolia Colon),玫瑰花優雅綻放,配上純淨木蘭香,展現女性迷人溫柔那一面,噴上它絕對令別人對你回頭!

Diaphragmatic hernia is a defect or hole in the diaphragm that allows the abdominal contents to move into the chest cavity ➡️Types:
Type I 1️⃣ Hiatal Hernia: It is the most type of Hernia and is also renamed as sliding Hiatal Hernia.
Type II 2️⃣(paraesophageal) a hiatal hernia:- In this kind of a hernia, stomach herniates through diaphragmatic esophageal hiatus alongside the esophagus. Gastroesophageal junction remains below the hiatus and the stomach rotates in front of the esophagus and herniates into the chest.
Type III3️⃣ hiatal hernia: In this kind of a hernia, gastroesophageal junction is herniated above the diaphragm and the stomach is herniated alongside the esophagus.
Type IV 4️⃣Hiatal Hernia: When other organs such as colon, small intestine, spleen also get herniated into the chest in addition to stomach, it is called type IV hiatal hernia.

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