#KinKrit[超话]# #Bkpp#



【PP毕业+HBD星空瓶】: https://t.cn/A6isJdug
【企鹅星球情人节团建计划】: https://t.cn/A6JYOqSd
【PP生日企划—25号线公交车】 https://t.cn/A66nVE3P
【PP生日企划—ONE SIAM PROJECT】 https://t.cn/A66rX5Uw
【PP生日企划—Siam Paragon】 https://t.cn/A66FW7HX
【PP生日企划—奶茶邀请券】 https://t.cn/A66sdKoz
【PP生日企划—TIKTOK】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMlv
【PP生日企划—公益1⃣️】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMWk
【PP生日企划—公益2⃣️】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMWF
【PP生日企划—重庆LED屏】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMWD

#KinKrit[超话]# #Bkpp#



【PP毕业+HBD星空瓶】: https://t.cn/A6isJdug
【企鹅星球情人节团建计划】: https://t.cn/A6JYOqSd
【PP生日企划—25号线公交车】 https://t.cn/A66nVE3P
【PP生日企划—ONE SIAM PROJECT】 https://t.cn/A66rX5Uw
【PP生日企划—Siam Paragon】 https://t.cn/A66FW7HX
【PP生日企划—奶茶邀请券】 https://t.cn/A66sdKoz
【PP生日企划—TIKTOK】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMlv
【PP生日企划—公益1⃣️】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMWk
【PP生日企划—公益2⃣️】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMWF
【PP生日企划—重庆LED屏】 https://t.cn/A6XzMMWD

Why can't a car's core be solved? Companies like BMW and Mercedes have lost more than $10 billion in profits as the global chip shortage has led to massive production cuts in the auto industry.

Is it difficult to make car chips? In fact, no, the technology content of car chips and mobile phone chips are not comparable, 40 nanometers, 28 nanometers is enough, so there is no such thing as "stuck neck". So why the car chip shortage? In the final analysis, enterprises are profit-seeking. If there is not enough profit, no one is willing to do it. At present, only a few companies in Southeast Asia are willing to produce the chips, but the capacity is limited, so combined with the impact of the pandemic, the chip shortage has become a global problem.

Some people may ask, now that the price of car chips has multiplied so much, this time it is profitable? Why are no chip factories willing to switch? An industry insider said, want to switch production needs a huge investment and a certain period of time, when your money has also invested, the process has also gone, perhaps people have resumed normal production, then invested in the money will not be wasted? This is the root cause of the car chip shortage.

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