#柏木由紀[超话]#matsu桑ins story

松山‎柚子‎身体乳,松山‎油脂Matsu‎ yama无‎添加天然柚‎子‎ 精华‎保湿身‎体乳300ml,无添‎加保湿配‎方,氨基‎酸保湿‎成分,敏‎感‎肌肤都可以‎使用,在‎日本‎很有名的‎本土‎产品,味道‎很好闻,‎质‎地也是清爽‎不‎腻的,但是冬‎天用也‎不‎会觉得不‎够保湿,被‎评为COSME最‎优秀‎的身‎体乳一款,味‎道‎和茱莉蔻的‎柑‎橘身体‎乳很相近‎自留款

【日本德仁天皇登上“高御座” 正式宣布即位】Japanese Emperor Naruhito on Tuesday proclaimed his enthronement in a highly ritualized, ancient-style ceremony held in the Seiden State Hall at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo in front of 2,000 guests from around the world.
   In the official coronation ceremony known as "Sokuirei Seiden no gi," the 59-year-old emperor wearing a dark reddish-brown robe known as a "Korozen no goho" only worn by emperors, made his ascension to the 6.5-meter-high canopied Takamikura imperial throne.
   Flanked by the imperial sword and jewel, two of the three items of imperial regalia inherited by the emperor as proofs of his ascension, along with the state and privy seals, Emperor Naruhito proceeded to proclaim his enthronement. Empress Masako was seated on the adjacent Michodai throne wearing a layered court kimono, known as a traditional Japanese garment.
   "In accordance with the Constitution of Japan and the Special Measures Law on the Imperial House Law, I now perform the ceremony of enthronement at the Seiden State Hall and proclaim my enthronement to those at home and abroad," the emperor stated.
   "For more than 30 years on the Throne, His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus (Akihito) constantly prayed for the happiness of the people and world peace, always sharing in the joys and sorrows of the people, and showing compassion through his own bearing."
   "I pledge hereby that I shall act according to the Constitution and fulfill my responsibility as the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people of Japan, while always wishing for the happiness of the people and the peace of the world, turning my thoughts to the people and standing by them," Emperor Naruhito continued.
   In his final words the emperor wished for the peace and prosperity of mankind.
   "I sincerely hope that our country, through our people's wisdom and unceasing efforts, achieves further development and contributes to the friendship and peace of the international community and the welfare and prosperity of mankind."
   Following the emperor's proclamation, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, wearing a black tail coat and white bow tie, paid his formal congratulatory tribute to the emperor from the lower floor of the "Matsu-no-Ma" state room.
   "The people of Japan come together in extending their heartiest congratulations," said the Japanese leader after confirming the emperor's ascension to the throne to both representatives at home and abroad.
   He added that the emperor had said in his proclamation that he would reflect deeply on the course followed by his majesty the Emperor Emeritus in always wishing for the happiness of the people and world peace and had pledged to stand by the people and act in accordance with the Constitution in fulfilling his responsibility as a symbol of the state.
   Abe said he was deeply touched by the emperor's words on contributing to the friendship and peace of the international community, as well as to the welfare and prosperity of mankind.
   "We take pride in a Japan that is peaceful and brimming with hope in an era of culture coming into being and flourishing when people bring their hearts and minds together in a beautiful manner," the prime minister said in his congratulatory speech.
   "I hereby pray for peace in the era of Reiwa and extend my best wishes for the imperial household to flourish further," said the Japanese leader in his closing remarks to Emperor Naruhito.
   The Japanese premiere then led the attendees in three rounds of "banzai" cheers, which were followed by a 21-gun salute.
   Tuesday's enthronement proclamation ceremony will be followed by a banquet in the evening. (Xinhua)

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