Excessive anticipation and attention tend to exaggerate the importance of the objects being anticipated, thus inviting more pains into one's life. Similarly, if blind in additional investment, one will suffer more losses when a setback comes.



1.The Fetal Position “胎儿式”睡姿

The fetal position gets its name from the shape of a baby in the womb.

The fetal position is the most common position in the world. People who sleep in the fetal position tend towards worry and anxiety. They are often shy and sensitive.

In the fetal position, a sleeper's body is essentially curled up into a ball as they lie on one side with legs and arms bent. This position is commonly assumed by adult sleepers.

2.The Starfish Position “海星式”睡姿

When sleeping like a starfish, you lie on your back with arms up near the pillow and legs outstretched.

Sleep scientist Idzikowski says starfish sleepers value friendship, and that while they prefer not to be the center of attention, people who sleep in this position are good listeners and quick to help others.

If you have a starfish sleeper as a best friend, you're in luck. Starfish sleepers are great listeners and a source of comfort to others.

3.The Soldier Position “士兵式”睡姿

In the soldier position, you lie as straight as a soldier stands. The legs are not bent, and your arms lie straight along the sides of your body.

Soldier sleepers are quiet and reserved, but also hold high standards.

Soldier sleepers do not like to make a big deal out of things. They are the strong silent type.

Sleeping like a soldier can lead to a bad night's sleep. Try using a pillow to support the natural curve of your back.

4.The Log “木头型”睡姿

For those who suffer from back pain, the log position could be helpful for you.

While assuming a log position, a sleeper has both their arms and legs extended, so their body is straight like a log.

Log sleepers are very trusting, a little naive, but are usually social and easy-going individuals.

Idzikowski claims that preferring a log position suggests that a person is sociable and interacts with others easily. While these are attractive traits, he warns that this openness and willingness to trust could make them gullible.

5.The Yearner Position “渴望者”睡姿

The yearner sleepers look like they're grasping for something.

Their legs and arms are both outstretched, like in the log position. The difference is that instead of being by their sides, their arms extend forward.

People who prefer the yearner position tend to be open, though not as open as those who prefer the log position.

Yearners can also be cynical and suspicious. But, this is a good position to avoid snoring.

6.The Freefaller “自由落体式”睡姿

In the freefall position, a stomach sleeper has their hands on or around their pillow, with their head turned to one side.

Freefall sleepers are social and can border on being brash. Deep down, however, they are more sensitive and can become unsettled by criticism or extreme situations.

They like to be in control of everything around their life. It's all part of their long periods of indecision, but once they make a choice, they stick to it.

This position can aid in digestion but their sleep is unsteady.

“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior. Despite our unique personalities, certain behaviors tend to arise again and again under certain environmental conditions.the most common form of change is not internal, but external: we are changed by the world around us. Every habit is context dependent.”

#Atomic Habits#

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