
1.洗炼 Terseness / Make Writing Succinct

This term means that wording should be refined to highlight the essential message. Terseness is a mark of neat and thematically explicit writing.


Nothing will be clean until it is cleansed. Nothing will be pure until it is refined. Only by ridding ourselves of any banality, can we become truly original.

2.雄浑 Powerfulness

This term, which literally means power and splendor, refers to a natural and powerful artistic style and aesthetic taste.


大力无敌为雄,元气未分为浑。(杨廷芝《 <二十四诗品> 浅解》)
Powerfulness means invincible power and indivisible mass of vital energy.

3.纯素 Pure and Unadorned

This term refers to natural, unadorned beauty.


纯素之道,惟神是守。守而勿失,与神为一。 (《庄子·刻意》)
Within spiritual being lies the value of pure simplicity. If you retain your spirit without fail, you became one with it.

4.隐秀 Latent Sentiment and Evident Beauty

This term means that prose and poetry may contain latent sentiments and thoughts, as well as expressions and sentences that present an apparent sense of beauty.


情在词外曰隐,状溢目前曰秀。 (张戒《岁寒堂诗话》卷上引刘勰语)
Latency happens when feelings and thoughts are hidden between the lines of a literary work. Evident beauty occurs when messages of sentiment and feelings are vividly portrayed by the images the author creates.

5.飘逸 Natural Grace

Natural Grace refers to free and unconstrained aesthetic style and artistic appeal in poetic works.


子美不能为太白之飘逸,太白不能为子美之沉郁。 (严羽《沧浪诗话·诗评》)
Du Fu could not write as freely and unconstrained as Li Bai, while the latter did not possess the style of melancholy and profoundness typical of Du Fu’s poems.

6.空灵 Ethereal Effect

The notion of ethereal effect values simple layout and economical use of details, seeking to convey character and imagination. Works that make use of ethereal effect convey a wonderful lucidity, and possess openness, freedom, and natural grace. Such works enable viewers to appreciate the aesthetic joy of free imagination.


When painting, classical artists made use of ethereal effect all the more where a dense collection of objects normally was required. However today’s artists no sooner begin to paint than they fill the space with elaborate details.

7.枯淡 Dry Plainness

This refers to a literary style that appears plain and dry, mild and moderate.



I value the style of dry plainness because it looks withered and dry outside but is rich inside; it appears plain but is in fact beautiful. Poetry by such writers as Tao Yuanming and Liu Zongyuan is like this.

8.畅神 Free Flow of One's Mind

The term describes a state of mind one achieves when appreciating an artwork, in which process one's inner feelings interact freely and joyfully with nature.


As sages of remote past already discovered the philosophical wisdom inherent in nature through imagination and contemplation, what more do I need to do now? All I have to do is relishing the joy when my mind interacts freely with the depicted landscape.

9.高古 Unadorned Antiquity

This term describes the quality of loftiness or primitive simplicity, and is used primarily in literary criticism to refer to an ancient nobility, an aspiration or sentiment, or an artistic style of historical gravity.

This term is also used to refer to an elevated state of being attained by noble-minded persons.



Prose and poetry by Han Dynasty authors, so long as they have survived to this day, all show a lofty adherence to an unadorned antiquity and a charming rusticity.

10.气象 Prevailing Features

Qixiang (气象), originally a term about the general state of scenery and physical objects in nature, also refers to the prevailing features of a society in a given period of time.



Works of many poets during the prime of the Tang Dynasty struck readers with their powerful expression, just like the calligraphy of Yan Zhenqing.(内容来源于中国日报网英语点津)

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拖地:mop the floor;
扫地:sweep the floor;
洗衣服:wash the clothes;
烧饭:do the cooking;
整理房间tidy (up) the room;
擦窗clean the windows;
铺床make the bed;
摆放餐具set the table;
刷墙paint the walls;
煮餐点cook the meals;
浇花water the vegetable/flowers
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